More people are getting curious about past lives, feeling like the energy inside themselves might be old energy. Do you feel like you’re an old soul? Do you or a loved one feel like you’ve lived multiple lives or have been to places you haven’t? You might’ve had a past life…

In this episode of Soul Essence, Xandra dives into her conceptual understanding of past lives, the adventures she’s been on when working with past lives as a medium and HSP, and how she sees people bringing this up in the clinical space.

As a psychotherapist who’s worked as a medium, Xandra shares what it’s like to navigate past life energy work, reincarnation, and her soul family. She candidly shares her experience being told she had a past life and how that launched her into an incredible self-discovery and healing journey. Listen in to hear stories that will stir up your inner knowing and open your eyes to the possibility of discovering your own past life.

Keep in mind, Xandra is discussing the topic of past lives in more of a Buddhist spiritual context, rather than a psychological context.

"If a spirit doesn’t feel ready to leave or that person’s conscious mind doesn’t feel ready, a lot of times that spirit doesn’t get that permission to move on to the next dimensional space. It literally stays as a spirit in the 3D; connected to land, connected to objects, connected to buildings.” – Xandra Hawes

Topics Discussed:

How Xandra first discovered the concept of past lives.Different ways people and spirits transition to different frequencies and dimensions.Why energy work is powerful for highly sensitive people.Are past lives proven by psychology?What is a soul family and why are they important for people with past lives?What does Buddhism and mediumship say bout reincarnation?

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About the Host:
Xandra Hawes, MA, LPC is a Contemplative Psychotherapist & Psychic-Medium in private practice, as well as the creator of Soul Essence Wellness Center. Using her background in Buddhist psychology as the foundation for teaching, Xandra helps sensitive and empathic people discover their spiritual gifts, learn transformative energy healing practices, and live with more confidence, self-trust and joy.