The Radical Self-Love and Aligning with Your Soul Essence Podcast is a 5-part series developed to help you identify, let go and transform the blockages that get in the way of you aligning consistently with your soul truth. To put it simply, your soul essence is your truth and radical self-love is the ability to completely unhook yourself from all the old stories and pictures that you house in yourself that cover up your innate goodness and the love that is at the core of your being. This podcast will explore how to be in your highest alignment in love and how to connect with your soul truth while also gaining more insight and awareness and of what has gotten in the way of you being naturally aligned with who you really are. We will look at internal and external invalidation, healing our family trauma and rejection, creating new thought patterns and learning self-love practices to better manifest living in your truth. 

Episode one begins with diving into learning more about what self-love is and the ways  old stories and pictures have gotten in the way of aligning in our soul truth.