How to Live Your Best Life With Rae Irelan

“Set A Timeline and Make It Happen.”Rae Irelan (15:34-15:36)

Many high achieving leaders and driven visionaries constantly face the challenge of bringing their best life into their everyday life. You never know how each step of the process is powerful until you reach the end of the line and look back where you started. In this episode, Rae Irelan talks about how you can live your best life. 

Part One of ‘How to Live Your Best Life’

There’s definitely nothing wrong with examining and acknowledging that you’re not living your best life currently. That’s the first step to get rid of the heavy and negative feelings hidden underneath your desire to be like those people whom you look up to. You can deem something or someone as your inspiration, and that could also be a positive thing, but most of the time you have hidden potential inside of you that you wish to unleash for the whole world to see.  

“Let go of the things that aren’t working so you can create more space for the things that work.” – Rae Irelan (07:43-07:50)

During the times you’re exploring and experimenting, you may experience different feelings like frustration, anger, resentment, jealousy, guilt, shame or even depression. These feelings can push you into the visioning process on how your future will turn out. So, if you have these different thoughts about what is exciting in your life that could be changing or shifting, your body to experience a sense of joy.   

When it comes to fully perceive what success is all about, we tend to enclose it in a box full of norms that society has engraved into our minds for years. This limits us to the kind of job we should have or how our relationships should look like. What’s not working is also a great question to start asking yourself. What is not working in your life right now?

Sometimes it can be harder to break out of that mold of what you've been taught because it's literally ingrained in your cellular programs in your brain.

Take a moment to pause and reflect. Ask yourself questions like: What would you love your love life to look like? What would you love doing in your everyday life? What does work look like? What are your relationships with your friends look like? How do you relate to yourself? Go on a retreat, go out into nature, find a coach to work with. It has to be a commitment. You have to show up and step your best foot forward because no one will do it for you. 

Part Two of ‘How to Live Your Best Life’

To begin with personal, professional, financial impact: What does your best life look like in each of these categories? Once you cleared that space, dive in and really visualize what would be possible, ask yourself how these things would light yourself up and bring joy to your life and others. And now we hear this a thousand times, but the people, environments, situations, and the jobs that are all in your place in your life right now, they all have these anchor points. Are they changing? So many people want to see these results. They want to see something change in their life, but they are not willing to give up their current situations of safety, which usually are incongruent with the people, the environments, the situations, the jobs that you are currently playing out.

If you are not willing to shift some of these big pieces of pillars in your life, the little things will not shift. You can keep shifting the little things, but those pillars will still be in place. So, this is a point of frustration. I know it can be so difficult, but you don't have to knock down every single pillar of your life. That's the amazing thing. It’s called explosion method or the turtle method. You don't need to explode the whole building. You can actually be that turtle that's slowly but consistently going towards the finish line. 

“You can be that turtle that’s slowly but consistently going towards the finish line.” – Rae Irelan (12:32-12:36)

If you're on this transformational journey, there's something massive that is not working in your life that you are aware of whether you actually want to address it or not. Take a moment to look at that pillar that's already cracking, already breaking. It's ready for you to clear it out of the way and start building something new from the foundation up and actually change. 

Remove the pieces that you don't want. Keep envisioning the ones that you do want. Move from that space with love and gratitude and compassion because you're truly on a magnificent journey in transforming your life. And this truly is how you can get closer and closer to your best life. There is no end destination. And the last piece I want to leave you with is rewarding yourself. When you start to see these shifts happen, you know, you're doing the internal work or you're witnessing your life and you're starting to play around and adjust things when things come into alignment and you'll feel it. 

How to Get Involved

Are you struggling with finding your best life and putting things into motion? Then, Rae Irelan can help. Her mission is to bring awareness to community growth and business sustainability to engage and inspire future generations to live to their fullest potential and follow their dreams. Find out more about her work here