Building A Soul Aligned Business That Makes A Positive Impact

“You Have the Power to Change Multiple Lives for the Better” - Rae Irelan (05:51-05:56)

Building a soul-aligned business that makes a positive impact is a lot of peoples’ dreams. However, they just have not done it yet! Whether it’s fear of not knowing where to start, you are destined to impart an amazing story to the rest of the world. In this episode, Rae Irelan shares her empowering insight into building a soul-aligned business that makes a positive impact. 

Part One of ‘Building A Soul Aligned Business That Makes A Positive Impact’

Most of the times we get distracted and get carried away with what other people think we should be doing. We lose sight of embracing the reality that challenges will always exist and figuring out one step at a time how to overcome them is part of the process for you to grow as an individual. Just like a soup with different ingredients, some of those ingredients have been put into the soup by other people, and some you’ve put in yourself. Those ingredients symbolize your skills and when you’re fully utilizing them, you’re stepping into a soul-aligned lifestyle. You are using your inherent gifts and talents.


“When your soul is aligned, it means that you are supporting what it desires.”– Rae Irelan (01:16-01:22)


Creating an impact means having a strong effect on someone or something. In order for you to achieve a soul-aligned business, you must take the time to reflect on whether you’re using your energy and resources the right way.  If you can be more aware, conscious and intentional for every action and decision that you’re making in your life, it opens up the possibility for the ripple effect wherein you’ll see positive results on someone else’s life too. It doesn’t always have to be big things. It could be small things like strangers smiling back at you because you smiled at them first. 

This can exponentially grow especially with intention setting. In the business world, it could mean getting involved in certain deliberations and coming up with decisions that will only benefit the lives of other people. Tony Robbins quoted that “the only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment”. It’s bringing that dream space in and opening yourself up to all the possibilities that you can think of. But you also need to remember that when you’re working really hard and pushing through a certain goal, sometimes there’s that thing called burnout and you experience that feebleness.


You probably remember a lot of moments when you don’t feel valued for the value that you’re bringing forward but that actually gives you a better understanding that something isn’t aligned.

Subsequently, you start focusing on the skills that you have learned through your experiences and use them as a tool to make a positive impact in the business world. As you are growing personally, you discover your hidden potentials that will lead you to a better path. It might not be an instant giant leap, but small steps are better than doing nothing at all. 

Part Two of ‘Building A Soul Aligned Business That Makes A Positive Impact’

Maybe at some point, you feel like there’s a missing piece inside of you even if you’re in an amazing field of work. It truly begins with honoring yourself, honoring the gifts and every little incredible piece that makes you unique and closer to that alignment. 

“Success is not measured in the amount of dollars you make but the amount of lives you impact.” — Rae Irelan (18:04-18:08)

You can be rich and successful but still feel unfulfilled. You can have the most amazing love life and relationships with your friends and family but still feel that something’s off. Sometimes that comes from the place of giving back. There has to be a willingness to give back more than you can receive. When you learn the art of giving selflessly, you focus more on creating an impact in your personal life through the relationships you have and in your professional life, either your work environment or the business that you run. You take into careful consideration how you use your time, money and resources. You start shifting some of the daily habits that can bring you into a more soul-aligned place. It's time for everyone, children, teenagers, adults, everyone to see where they can really show up more for themselves, for their loved ones and for each other.

How to Get Involved

Rae Irelan is a multi-faceted creator, visionary entrepreneur. Rae enjoys traveling to connect and collaborate with thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and CEO’s around the globe. Her mission is to bring awareness to art and culture appreciation, holistic health, community growth, and business sustainability to engage and inspire future generations to create magic in a globally connected society while living to their fullest potential and following their dreams. Find out more about her work on her website