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Something You Should Know

1,033 episodes - English - Latest episode: 3 days ago - ★★★★★ - 5.3K ratings

Sometimes all it takes is one little fact or one little piece of wisdom to change your life forever. That's the purpose and the hope of "Something You Should Know." In each episode, host Mike Carruthers interviews top experts in their field to bring you fascinating information and advice to help you save time and money, advance in your career, become wealthy, improve your relationships and help you simply get more out of life. In addition, Mike uncovers and shares short, engaging pieces of "intel" you can use to make your life better - today. Right now.

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Why You’re Always In Such a Hurry & What Listening to Music Does to You

June 19, 2023 07:03 - 48 minutes

People who blush know it can be embarrassing. That begs the question – why do people blush in the first place? This episode begins with a brief discussion about why people blush and the purpose it serves. Have you ever found yourself hurrying to do something, even when there is no need to hurry? Many of us are just stuck in that mode. No matter what we are doing, we try to do it quick...

SYSK Choice: Our Preoccupation With Ownership & The Backstories of America’s Favorite Dishes

June 17, 2023 07:03 - 48 minutes

Most of us have had déjà vu – that feeling that what you are experiencing now, you have somehow experienced before. This episode begins with some interesting insight into what it is, why it happens and when it is most likely to occur. Source: Marie Jones author of The Déjà Vu Enigma ( Humans have the need to own things according to psychologist Bruce Hood, author of the book Possessed: Why We Want More Than We Need ( Even when you were a child,...

A Better Way to Create New Ideas & How to Take Control Of Difficult Conversations

June 15, 2023 07:03 - 49 minutes

When you think how much your smartphone costs to buy and maintain, it’s a smart idea to try to make it last as long as possible. This episode begins with some simple ways to extend the life of your phone and battery. Some of the very best and most successful ideas are the result of lateral thinking. Uber and Airbnb are two examples and there are many more that you will hear from my guest Paul Sloane. Paul is a recognized authority...

Get Things Done Without Feeling Overwhelmed & How To Master Self Confidence

June 12, 2023 07:03 - 46 minutes

We are all pretty clear on the dangers of driving while intoxicated. But there also appears to be some danger in driving while dehydrated. Who knew? This episode begins with some fascinating research that shows a link between dehydration and driver error – and the results will surprise you.  How do you get a lot of things done without the feeling of being ov...

SYSK Choice: How to Decode Greatness to Achieve Success & The World’s Most Valuable Insect

June 10, 2023 07:03 - 48 minutes

There are a lot of good reasons to be more optimistic. Interestingly, it also seems simply pretending to be an optimist has many of the same benefits. This episode starts with a discussion on how real or pretend optimism can be good for everyone and why even the most hardened pessimist might want to try looking at the bright side of life. Source: Michael Mercer, PhD author of Spontaneous Optimism ( To be successful typically requires skill, practice and hard work. How...

How to Say No and Feel Good About It & The One Thing That’s Better Than Happiness

June 08, 2023 07:03 - 49 minutes

If you want to take a nap, it might be a good idea to find a hammock. This episode begins with an explanation for why hammocks can help just about anyone sleep better. Saying no can be difficult. You certainly don’t want to disappoint others and you worry people will think you are not a team player if you say no. Still, we have all said yes to things we wish we hadn’t. Now, there is some great research that shows that HOW ...

How To Ask For Anything and Everything & The Unusual History of Ice

June 05, 2023 07:03 - 51 minutes

Do you ever turn your phone off? I mean ALL the way off. This episode begins by explaining why it is a good idea to do it and how often you should. Asking someone for something can be hard. After all, you might not like the answer. Still, as the saying goes, “It doesn’t hurt to ask.” Whether you are asking for a job or for help or money or a favor, asking can be stressful. What if there was a formula to follow that would m...

SYSK Choice: Why Your Self-Delusions Are Valuable & How to Flirt Successfully

June 03, 2023 07:03 - 52 minutes

Back when grocery stores started charging for new plastic bags, there was a concern that using reusable grocery bags could be dangerous because of the germs and bacteria that accumulate in those bags when you use them over and over again. You don’t hear so much about this concern today like you used to. Should you be worried about your reusable grocery bags? This episode begins with an exploration into that.

The Extraordinary Ways The Workplace is Changing & Why You Have Allergies

June 01, 2023 07:03 - 49 minutes

Everyone has secrets. And that can be a problem. The burden of keeping a secret has a ripple effect in your life you likely don’t realize. This episode begins with an explanation. The world of work and career is changing in a lot of interesting ways. More of us are looking for meaning in what we do rather than just climbing the ladder and making money. A lot of people today have more than just one job – sometimes more than two! And ther...

The Strange Factors That Influence What You Buy & The Fascinating Story of Data

May 29, 2023 07:03 - 49 minutes

Ever wonder why mosquitoes are attracted to some people more than others? I begin this episode by discussing 5 factors that make you so irresistible to those pesky insects. Consumer behavior is a fascinating area of research. While people like to think they make objective decisions about what to buy or not buy, there are a lot of factors that influence those decisions such as description, price, ease of use and man...

SYSK Choice: The Science of Fear & How to Be A Great Communicator

May 27, 2023 07:03 - 47 minutes

Ask people what their favorite or lucky number is, and you will get a lot of different answers. But if you ask enough people and you start to notice that one number emerges as the clear winner above the others. This episode begins with that number and why it is so popular. Source: Alex Bellos author of Here’s Looking at Euclid (  We are all afraid of something . Maybe it is spiders or the dark or public speaking. Whatever it is, that creates that feeling of fear in you...

What Every Traveler Must Know Today & Is There Intelligent Alien Life Out There?

May 25, 2023 07:03 - 48 minutes

Here’s some good advice: SLOW DOWN! This episode begins with a list of things you do every day that you would actually do better if you did them slower. Source: Debbie Mandel, author of Addicted to Stress Traveling today can be difficult. Still, people like to travel. So, if you are heading off on vacation or taking a trip of any kind, you will enjoy hearing my guest, Patricia Schultz. She is a veteran travel journalist who has accumulated a knowledge base of travel ha...

The Very Excellent Reasons We Have a 7-Day Week & How Cats Became Pets

May 22, 2023 07:03 - 48 minutes

As you know, you can’t tickle yourself. But if you are ticklish, anyone else can tickle you. So why is that? Even if you know someone is about to tickle you, it still tickles. Listen as this episode begins with an explanation of how tickling works. Our culture – in fact the whole world lives on schedule of a 7-day week. Yet, the week is a totally artificial, man-made invention. Other ways of measuring time such as days, hours, months and years are r...

SYSK Choice: The Science of Happily Ever After & How To Rethink Anything

May 20, 2023 07:03 - 54 minutes

When you have a smart phone, you can take pictures of anything, anytime, anywhere. This episode starts with one very simple piece of advice that can make the pictures you take more interesting and more memorable. And it is really, really simple. Love isn’t always easy. In fact, it can be really hard sometimes. That’s because despite our desire and need for love – we are not especially good at it. Perhaps that is because we are looking for the wrong c...

The Benefits of Finding Wonder In The World & What Is Money and How Does It Work?

May 18, 2023 07:03 - 46 minutes

Where and when did someone come up with the idea for sunglasses? This episode begins with a brief history that goes way back in time to the very first sunglasses and how our modern-day sunglasses came about not so long ago. You know what wonder is. It’s that feeling you get when you see the Grand Canyon for the first time or a double rainbow or a beautiful sunset. The problem is we tend to lose our sense of wonder over time....

Why We All Get Stuck In Life and How To Get Unstuck & The New Science of Longevity

May 15, 2023 07:03 - 48 minutes

You know that if you don’t drink enough water you get dehydrated. Still, there are other factors that can accelerate dehydration you may not be aware of. This episode begins by explaining what situations can bring this on, even if you think you are taking in plenty of water. We all get stuck in life. Whether it is a job, relationship, a project or just trying to come up with a new idea, it is...

SYSK Choice: Your Illusion of Knowledge & Has Restaurant Nutrition Really Improved?

May 13, 2023 07:03 - 51 minutes

Timing is important, especially when it comes to the big life decisions you make. In fact, the time of day you make a big decision matters a lot. This episode begins with an explanation of how timing can impact decisions you make and what is the best time of day to decide anything. Human beings tend to think they are smarter than they actually are. We also have a tendency to believe things that are simply not true. This is ac...

How The “User Experience” Became A Thing & How To Change Someone’s Mind

May 11, 2023 07:03 - 50 minutes

“Don’t spoil the ending!” It seems no one wants to know how a story or movie ends until they see it end in real time. But maybe knowing the ending first could make the experience better. Is that possible? Listen and find out. alerts. Remember when computers and other electronic devices came with huge instruction manuals? Not anymore. Today we expect things to be user-friendly, so we don’t need instr...

Why Parking Your Car Is Such a Pain & How Invisible Microbes Shape Your World

May 08, 2023 07:03 - 49 minutes

Drinking coffee in the morning is a pleasant habit for many of us. However, this episode begins by explaining why you might want to smell your coffee as well as drink it to help you think better and be more productive. In many metropolitan areas, parking is the number one land use. The U.S. has 4 parking spaces for every car on the road! So why is it so hard to find a spot when you need one? That is what Henry Grabar is here to explain and...

SYSK Choice: Improving Your Digital Body Language & How Food Affected Human Evolution

May 06, 2023 07:03 - 49 minutes

Doctors are supposed to know medical truth from myth. Yet a lot of doctors are misinformed – at least on some things. This episode begins with some information about a survey that showed how many pediatricians believe in some common parenting advice that has been proven to be untrue. Source: Andrew Adesman, M.D. author of Baby Facts ( We all use digital means of communication because it makes it easy to keep in touch with people. Still there are some drawbacks. Often, ...

What You Never Knew About Your Blood But Should & How To Conquer Burnout?

May 04, 2023 07:03 - 48 minutes

Most cars today are “connected cars.” That means that automakers and vendors can send and receive information directly with your car. Sounds like a great thing. But this episode begins with an explanation on how it can also cause trouble for drivers as well as cost them more money. Source: Automotive journalist Peter Bohr writing in Westways magazine (AAA) Summer 2023 issue. Listen and you will hear some things about your blood and how to take care of it that you have likely never heard befor...

Why Quitting Can Be The Best Option & Why Humans Are Attracted to Bodies of Water

May 01, 2023 07:03 - 50 minutes

Is beginner’s luck a real thing or just some weird occurrence that happens occasionally? This episode starts with a brief explanation of beginner’s luck and why it often isn’t really about luck at all. Source: Sian Beilock author of Choke ( “No one likes a quitter.” “You should finish what you start”. We have somehow allowed this to be drummed into our consciousness - that quitting is bad and that grit and perseverance are good. But now wait a minute! Maybe, in some ca...

SYSK Choice: How Your Brain Changes Who You Are & The Science Behind Beverages

April 29, 2023 07:03 - 52 minutes

Decent sunglasses are a must. Otherwise, you are asking for trouble. If you doubt that, just ask any eye doctor. We know that ultraviolet light is bad for your eyes – and sunglasses can be a big help but you have to get the right kind of sunglasses. This episode begins with a description of what makes for a decent pair. You are the person you have always been - right? Actually that’s only partly true. It may seem like you are t...

The Important Reason We Label Generations & The Strange Stories of Medical Breakthroughs

April 27, 2023 07:03 - 48 minutes

Is spring fever a real thing? This episode begins with a brief discussion on what spring fever is, what the symptoms are and if there is a cure. Why do we name generations? We have baby boomers, millennials, Gen Z, Gen X – what is the point of grouping people based solely on when they were born? Well, it turns out that it helps to explain a lot of what is going on in our culture. There are some in...

The Fast Track To Self-Confidence & How To Stop Procrastinating and Get It Done

April 24, 2023 07:03 - 48 minutes

People with names that are difficult to pronounce are often discriminated against. It is not intentional necessarily, but it happens. The result can be that you don’t advance personally and professionally as quickly as someone who has a name that is easy to pronounce. This episode begins with a look at this problem and what you can do to help yourself. Some of the most successful and approachable people you meet, seem to h...

SYSK Choice: How to Change to Reach Your Goals & What It Means to be Alive

April 22, 2023 07:03 - 49 minutes

How can too much noise make you less generous? As we have discussed here in the past, noise levels are increasing, and all that noise can have negative effects on your health as well as your happiness. This episode starts by explaining the negative impact of too much noise and what you can do to protect yourself. What is the best way to achieve a big goal? Pe...

Instantly Optimize Your Powers of Persuasion & Are We Way Too Cautious?

April 20, 2023 07:03 - 49 minutes

“Never cry at work!” has been common, long-standing advice for employees. Still, people DO cry at work sometimes – so what do other people think of those people? This episode begins with how people perceive their colleagues when they see them crying on the job. Some people are just more persuasive than others. If you would like to be one of those more persuasive people, listen to my guest Brian Ahearn. Brian Ahearn is here to talk about how t...

Why And How To Awaken Your 5 Senses & What Happens When Someone Breaks Your Heart

April 17, 2023 07:03 - 50 minutes

It is hard to get through life without writing things down on a yellow legal pad. You probably have some of those writing pads in your home right now. So, why are they yellow? And what makes them “legal”? Listen as I start this episode with the story. You probably take your five senses for granted. That’s about to change when you hear my discussion with Gretchen Rubin. Gretchen had an experience in a doctor’s office that caus...

SYSK Choice: Secrets to Increase Your Endurance & The Complexities of Rest

April 15, 2023 07:03 - 51 minutes

If you want to be happy, it helps that you have happy friends. And it helps even more if your friends’ friends are happy too. I begin this episode discussing how social connections can influence our health and happiness. Source: Tom Rath author of Well Being (  You probably think you know what your physical limits are. For example, when you exercise, you know when to stop because you “hit the wall.”  Actually though, that may not be such a good indicator. You could lik...

How to Be An Extraordinary Individual & What Would You Change About Your Personality?

April 13, 2023 07:03 - 52 minutes

There is likely something you are worried about right now. After all, humans worry. This episode begins with some good news for you regarding whatever it is you are worried about It is easy to find advice on how to be successful. The problem is one size does not fit all. For you to be successful and creative in what you do, you have to find what works for you. That is why Ozan Varol is here. Ozan has some interesting insight i...

The Power of Human Touch & Why Outer Space Smells Like Rum and Raspberries

April 10, 2023 07:03 - 50 minutes

You would have a hard time finding someone who doesn’t like the smell of freshly cut grass. In fact, some people love that scent. Why? What’s so special about it? This episode begins with an explanation why it is so universally loved and why that scent may actually be good for you. Whether it is a warm hug, a simple handshake or a passionate embrace, when people touch each other, something special happens. What i...

SYSK Choice: How To Find REAL Love & How Our Ability to Speak Defines Us

April 08, 2023 07:03 - 52 minutes

Music can affect us in lots of ways. You may not know that the music playing in a store can impact your spending behavior. This episode begins by looking at how different types of music can steer you to spend more or less. Finding true love can be tricky. Sometimes it seems impossible. Here to the rescue is behavioral scientist turned dating coach Logan Ury. She has the latest research on what will...

The Lure of Cheap Crap & Will Artificial Intelligence Take Over Your Job?

April 06, 2023 07:03 - 51 minutes

There is an art and science to flattery This episode starts with a look at how powerful it can be if you know how to give and take a compliment and offers advice on how to execute a great compliment. Americans buy a lot of cheap crap. Knick-knacks, souvenirs, gadgets and who knows what else. What is the lure of this cheap crap? Why are our closets and drawers full of it? Tha...

One Proven Thing That Will Help You Live Longer & How Everyday Things Get Made

April 03, 2023 07:03 - 47 minutes

Are you a doodler like me? I often doodle when I listen to a talk or a presentation – even when I interview people for the podcast. And it seems there is a real benefit when you doodle. This episode begins with the explanation. You may be looking at exercise all wrong. Health and fitness may be less about going to the gym for an hour or other formal exercise and more about fitting more movement into ...

SYSK Choice: How Your Brain’s Mistakes Make You Successful & Life After Privacy

April 01, 2023 07:03 - 49 minutes

Using a public bathroom is usually not the highlight of your day. However, when it comes to choosing which stall or urinal to use, there is a way to minimize your potential exposure to germs and bacteria. I begin this episode by telling you which one you should choose – and if that one is taken, what should be your second choice. Sure, we’ve all heard how amazing the human brain is. Yet, it actually is rather lo...

What You Never Knew About the Music You Love & How Much Money Is Enough

March 30, 2023 07:03 - 51 minutes

How can the clothes you wear influence your personality? You will be surprised to discover how different clothes and different colors change the way you act, the way others perceive you and even how you perceive yourself. There are all kinds of popular musical genres from rock, country, hip-hop, dance R&B, pop and more. And all that music came from somewhere. If you are a music lover you will want to hear the stories ...

You Are Mentally Tougher Than You Think & Why We Mispronounce Words

March 27, 2023 07:03 - 49 minutes

If you want to make the food you cook taste better – switch the plates, bowls and glasses. This episode begins by discussing how and why that works. You are probably a lot more mentally tough than you think you are. If you don’t believe me, you must hear my discussion with Amy Morin and she will convince you. Amy is a licensed clinical social worker, and psychotherapist who has ...

SYSK Choice: The New Science of Human Metabolism & The Real Reasons Wars Exist

March 25, 2023 07:03 - 48 minutes

If you are into stories of success and what it takes to be the best, you will sometimes here someone quote a study about the importance of goal setting. The study happened at Yale University in 1953. You should NOT pay attention to that study and this episode begins with the reason why..  People may think they know what causes weight gain and weight loss – but what people think is often wrong according to my guest...

Shhh! The Amazing Benefits of Being Quiet & Why You Get Cravings

March 23, 2023 07:03 - 50 minutes

This is going to sound weird but a good time to make a decision is when you have the urge to go to the bathroom. You are probably wondering; how can that be? What’s the connection? This episode begins with a discussion that will make sense once you hear it. The world is noisy and getting noisier. We have noise coming at us from everywhere as well as from i...

What The Voice Inside Your Head is Really Saying & What is Normal?

March 20, 2023 07:03 - 50 minutes

It is common for your mind to wander. That’s what people do, especially if they are not doing anything that requires deep thought or concentration. But letting your mind wander could be causing you harm Listen and I will explain why. You probably talk to yourself a lot. And often the things you say are self-critical and negative. You can change the things you say to yourself and there are a lot of good reasons why you should accord...

SYSK Choice: The Universe’s Biggest Questions Answered & A Fascinating Study of Pain

March 18, 2023 07:03 - 52 minutes

No one likes to throw away milk because it went bad. What you may not know is that there is a little trick that can help your milk last longer and I begin this episode by telling you what it is. Have you ever asked those big questions like - Who are we? Why are we here? Are there aliens out there? Will the universe end one day? These are some of the very good questions I discuss with astrophysicist Neil de...

The Magic Words To Get What You Want & Why You Get Headaches

March 16, 2023 07:03 - 51 minutes

Groceries are expensive. So this episode begins with a very effective and uncomplicated strategy that can save you a ton of money at the supermarket with just a little effort. Source: When you want to communicate, connect or influence people, certain words are more impactful than others. In fact, there is a whole new science of language regarding this. At the forefront of it all is Jonah Berger, marketing professor at the Wharton School of the Univers...

What Marketers Can Tell From The Sound of Your Voice & What It Means to Be Healthy

March 13, 2023 07:03 - 49 minutes

If you are having a bad day, you might want to try washing a particular body part. It appears it helps even though it makes no sense. Listen and I will tell you what it is. Imagine if marketers could tell things about you just by the sound f your voice? Well, it is not only possible, it is being done right now! Your voice can reveal your age, height, socio-economic status, ethnicity – all sorts of things. And marketers use it to sell you things. But t...

SYSK Choice: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon & Healthier Relationship Fighting

March 11, 2023 08:03 - 52 minutes

It’s not too early to think about Mother’s Day. It’s not that far away. So, who started it? How did it all begin. Listen as I begin this episode with a brief explanation of the origins of Mother’s Day and how it got pretty nasty for a while. Who doesn’t enjoy a good laugh? And laughing also turns out to be really good for you. Laughing has been linked to a longer life and enjoy of host of other benefits. So incorporating more humor, laughter and...

Crypto, Blockchain and NFTs Made Simple & The Story of The Oscars

March 09, 2023 08:03 - 51 minutes

At the start of a relationship, how important is that first kiss? This episode begins with some interesting statistics that show the significance and long-term potential of being a good kisser. Source: The Science of Kissing by Sheril Kirshenbaum (  By now you have heard terms like cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, digital art, and NFTs (non-fungible tokens). But how important is it for you to really know and understand them? Maybe you should be buying them. Afte...

Science Myths A Lot of People Still Believe & The Strange Story of the Polygraph

March 06, 2023 08:03 - 50 minutes

Can trees fight crime? Apparently so - at least some types of crime. Although no one is exactly sure how. Listen and I’ll explain. Is it true that a goldfish has a 3 second memory? Or that lightning never strikes the same place twice? Of course, you know water conducts electricity, right? Actually no. In fact none of those things are true. There are so many myths in science that people bel...

SYSK Choice: Why You Should Listen to Your Fears & How Dogs Can Detect Disease

March 04, 2023 08:03 - 54 minutes

Cat owners are well aware that cats like to hunt, kill and bring home birds and mice as a trophy. There is something cat owners can do to help reduce the number of times that happens. This episode begins with an explanation. You must be afraid of something -right? In fact, we are all have fears and that’s a good thing. Fear helps keep us safe. So, what exactly is fear? Where does it come from? And what do you do if fear is keeping...

How You Perceive the World Isn’t Quite Right & Why Productivity is Very Overrated

March 02, 2023 08:03 - 50 minutes

Being left-handed or right-handed actually impacts how you make decisions. So how can that be? This episode begins with the explanation. Many birds see colors you can’t see. Dogs smell things you can’t even imagine. Some animals can sense the magnetic fields of the earth - yet we couldn't possibly do that. These are a few of the fascinating ways that other creatures perceive the world differently than humans. And believe me, it gets eve...

Why You Are SO Not the Person You Used to Be & How to Face the Unknown

February 27, 2023 08:03 - 50 minutes

Go to any drug store and somewhere you will see the initials Rx. You probably assume it has to do with medicine or prescriptions or something. But why Rx? What do those letters stand for. This episode begins with an explanation. You are not the person you used to be. And you are not the person you will one day become. That’s the message from Paul Bloom, psychology professor at the University of Toronto and the Brooks and Suzanne ...

SYSK Choice: The Secrets to Speaking With Confidence & Valuable Food Safety Tips

February 25, 2023 08:03 - 52 minutes

Think of all the batteries you use in your home for all your remotes and clocks and flashlights. We all go through a lot of batteries and as you are aware, they aren’t cheap. This episode begins with some interesting facts and myths about batteries you likely never knew. It does seem that most people don’t like their own voice and wish it sounded better. The good news is, you really can make it better. Your voice is really an instrument and like a musical instru...


Bill Gates
1 Episode
John Cleese
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Mark Manson
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Mike Rowe
1 Episode