Previous Episode: 5 Stages of an Aligned Life
Next Episode: Own Your Intuition

Laura Cayouette always owned her voice in the world of acting, writing, and filmmaking. She lives by speaking her truth and not waiting for other people's permission to express what she cares about and the change she wants to have more of in the world. 

With over 20 years of experience in the entertainment industry, Laura attributes this to her willingness to listen to other people's stories and by telling her own.

Join us for an inspiring new episode of Someone Gets Me ▶️ Why Telling Your Story Matters with Laura Cayouette.

Key points covered in this episode: 

✔️ While teaching English in college, doing modeling gigs, and running a dress shop — it took Laura Cayouette one ride home on the train when she heard a voice saying, "You're supposed to be an actor." Laura has acted in over 60 movies to date. Whether it was her inner-voice or a spiritual awakening, Laura's life tells the importance of always listening to your intuition, and that pursuing your heart's desires will never do you wrong.

✔️ Every person has a book in them, and every person should write it down. Laura says that somebody in the world will want to know what it is like to be you, and whatever you have figured out in your life is worth telling at least one person. 📖✨ Write that book. Tell that story. Stop waiting for that permission slip. Honor your own walk and share your account of a happy, sad, and colorful life!

✔️ Work ethic is important no matter what your job is. It takes desire, discipline, and devotion to achieve your dreams. Saying yes to doing the hard things consistently is required in whatever field you're in. Laura shares that whether it’s working the drive-thru window or walking a red carpet for a big-dollar movie, her mindset is always "any job worth doing is worth doing well."

✔️ If you have earned your space, own it. Do not be afraid to blaze because of the fear of outshining others. Laura says: “Allow yourself permission to dare to fail, go ahead, and believe in your greatness.”


Laura Cayouette

Best known as Leonardo DiCaprio's sister in Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained, Laura has acted in over 60 movies and TV shows, including Now You See Me, True Detective, and Friends. She's currently recurring on Oprah Winfrey and Ava Duverney's Queen Sugar. 

Laura is also the author of 8 books, including ‘Know Small Parts: An Actor's Guide to Turning Minutes into Moments and Moments into a Career’ with a foreword by Richard Dreyfuss and endorsements from Kevin Costner, Lou Diamond Phillips, Reginald Hudlin, and more.

‘Writing Unblocked: How I Went from Writing 1 Book In 20 years To 5 Books in 4 Years’ helps writers of all skill levels tell their stories and create their projects. The accompanying 6-video Creating Characters course is designed to help writers develop individualized characters that come to life. 

Her 5-book Charlotte Reade mystery series is a love letter to the people and culture of New Orleans starting in 2009 as the Saints are headed to the Super Bowl. 

An award-winning filmmaker who's produced a feature film with Quentin Tarantino, Laura is currently working on a documentary about overtourism in the French Quarter - finding a balance.

Cayouette earned her master's degree in creative writing and English literature at the University of South Alabama, where she was presented with the 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award. She's taught both English and acting/directing at various universities. 

A member of the Pussyfooters dance krewe, you can find her parading in Mardi Gras and working with local non-profits.

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