"Intuition is the highest form of intelligence," said Forbes Magazine. I believe we all have intuition, and it is not just woo-woo stuff (like how others choose to see it.) We all have access to different kinds of intuition in how we receive, translate and work with our intuition which is as varied as our fingerprints and dental records. 

So when we compare ourselves and ask why ours are different from theirs — remember, that's how it's meant to be. We are all puzzle pieces navigating our way to bring the innermost sacred part of our hearts into the world. And it's going to look different for each of us. It's supposed to. 

Join us in this powerful new episode of Someone Gets Me ▶️ Own Your Intuition with Dianne A. Allen. 

Key points covered in this episode: 

✔️ Intuition, in its raw essence, creates an opening for us to see our mission more clearly. It allows us to go deeper into our realness. We can look within our being, see the beauty of our life purpose, and allow ourselves to bring it forward. Growing can mean discomfort or pain, but our intuition shows us where we're meant to change and where to take the next steps in our evolution.

✔️ Intuition shows up differently for everybody. Some people see things in their mind's eye. Some people hear things. Some people get feelings in their senses. Prophetic dreams also show you where to go or what the next step is. All of them are valid, and everyone does it a little differently. 

✔️ Continue to raise your vibration. You can always tell you are getting a message from your intuition because it's supportive, kind, and helping you see something that you may not want to see or not yet see. That little inner-guidance system recalculates for you when you take the wrong turns and always helps you come back. 

✔️ You can't figure it out alone. As human beings, we are meant to be in collaboration with others to help us go forward. That's part of our neurology and the biology of bringing the possibilities through us into the world. We require a connection to the greater universe, a connection within us so that we can stand in our sovereignty and a connection to our peer group or others of the same species. So it's vitally important that we begin to listen. 

✔️ Let's allow all the possibilities to come through us in a way that serves others. Our goal is to become a beneficial presence and be a good steward of Mother Earth. Remember that if you get a message and you're wondering, is it my ego or my intuition? If it's your higher self or your intuition, it comes from a place of love, beauty, and grace. If it's your ego, it's often judgmental, linear, and pointing out everything that's wrong.


How to Connect with Dianne A. Allen

You have a vision inside to create something bigger than you. What you need is a community and a mentor. The Someone Gets Me Experience could be that perfect solution to bringing your heart's desire into reality. You will grow, transform and connect. https://msdianneallen.com/someone-gets-me-experience/

Join our Facebook Group Someone Gets Me: https://www.facebook.com/groups/someonegetsme.

Follow Dianne’s Facebook Page: Dianne A. Allen: https://www.facebook.com/msdianneallen.

Email contact: [email protected]

Dianne’s Mentoring Services: https://msdianneallen.com

Website: https://www.visionsapplied.com

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