In our lives, we encounter various types of friends, each playing a unique role. I've identified five categories of friends that we should all have in our lives.

The Comforter
The first type of friend is a comforter. This is someone who supports us during difficult times and provides a shoulder to lean on. But remember, friendship is a two-way street. It's equally important that we are willing to offer comfort to others as well.

The Confrontor
The second type of friend is a confrontor. This friend challenges us when our actions or beliefs are not aligned with our values. These friends help us grow and change by pointing out blind spots or inconsistencies in our behavior.

The Challenger
The third type of friend is a challenger. This friend inspires us to step up and be our best selves. They may be further along in a certain area of life and their example challenges us to raise the bar.

The Counselor or Mentor
The fourth type of friend is a counselor or mentor. This friend offers wisdom and guidance. They remind us of our own goodness and help us navigate through life's challenges.

The Concept of "Floater Friends"
In the podcast, I also discussed the concept of "floater friends." These are friends who are only included in certain events or plans but are always reached out to when needed. I shared my personal experience of being a floater friend and how it can be painful to feel excluded from certain activities.

I encourage you all to reflect on your own relationships and consider if you are unintentionally putting people in the floater friend category. It's important to invest in the people who are important to us and ensure they feel valued and included.

The "Drowning Friend" Phenomenon
Another concept I introduced is the "drowning friend." This is a friend who rarely receives support or acknowledgment unless they are in desperate need. I emphasized the importance of paying attention to the reciprocity in relationships and not making excuses for excluding or neglecting certain individuals.

Striving for Healthy, Balanced Friendships
As we navigate our friendships, it's crucial to be aware of our own actions and to strive for healthy, balanced relationships with clear boundaries and mutual investment.

Friendships are a vital part of our lives. They provide comfort, challenge us, inspire us, and guide us. But it's important to remember that these relationships should be reciprocal and balanced. So, let's strive to be the best friends we can be and value all the different types of friends in our lives.


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