In this episode of "Someone Gets Me", Dianne explores the profound nature of change and its inevitability in our lives. She reflects on her own journey of moving from resistance to acceptance, emphasizing the importance of embracing the constant flow of change. Dianne introduces two essential questions that serve as powerful tools for those desiring meaningful change in their lives:

What am I willing to do?

Dianne discusses the significance of aligning actions with aspirations and emphasizes the importance of inner honesty and integrity.
She shares personal anecdotes, including a story of a college roommate who pursued a path that wasn't aligned with his true desires, illustrating the impact of choosing goals authentically.

What am I willing to no longer do?

Dianne encourages listeners to consider what behaviors or patterns they are willing to let go of in pursuit of their goals.
She shares a client's experience of realizing that certain habits were hindering his progress and explores the idea that making space for change often involves releasing old patterns.

Dianne underlines the significance of these questions in creating a mindset for change and achieving goals authentically. She stresses the importance of personalizing goals rather than adopting others' aspirations, urging listeners to connect with their inner truth.

For those interested in exploring these questions further or seeking guidance on their personal journey of change, you can connect with her through the links below.


You have a vision inside to create something bigger than you. What you need is a community and a mentor. Personal mentoring will inspire you to grow, transform, and connect in new ways. The Someone Gets Me Experience could be that perfect solution to bringing your heart's desire into reality. You will grow, transform, and connect.

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