So many people are often stressed, burned out, and angry. 


Because they can't take it anymore. 

Because they are too tired. 

Because as a culture, we don't support rest. 

It's time we become honest, come within, and honor the fact that we're human be-ings and not human do-ings. It takes guts to stand up in a society that expects us to be machines.

Whether it's MORE clients, MORE books to write, or MORE projects that will entice you for something bigger or better in the future, become purposeful with rest. Be mindful of several aspects to focus on, and take that much-needed respite, always to come back and be in your best element.

Join us in this powerful new episode of Someone Gets Me ▶️ It is Okay to Rest with Dianne A. Allen.

Key points covered in this episode: 

✔️ Creative rest. As creators and gifted visionaries, it's essential to take breaks. Whether it's journaling, sketching, walking in nature, or just taking in the beauty, smell, or richness of wherever you are to allow creative juices to rest. It's not always about production. It's not always about the go, go, go, but being willing to honor the flow and the creative process within your own being. 

✔️ Sensory rest. It's a must to give ourselves a break from all the stimuli, from all of the pop-ups, screens, and blue light. One of the things I love to do for a sensory break is going to the float center and floating in the darkness that they called sensory-deprivation tanks in the 60s. They've made a resurgence in a healthy way because a lot of research shows how float therapy helps reset the brain and calms it down. Not to mention, the high magnesium in the water gets absorbed through your skin and enables you to relax. 

✔️ Mental rest. The best kind is to let ourselves think about something that doesn't really matter so that the actual thinking can rest. Meditation, swimming, or just sitting under a tree does wonders. We don't always have to be thinking. We don't always have to be figuring things out. So it's important to give ourselves mental rest no matter how busy we are. 

✔️ Emotional rest. You don't have to take everything on if you don't feel up for it. If you do, you are putting yourself in harm's way to be there or serve somebody, even if you cannot do it. 🙅‍♀️ We want to be giving from a full vessel that's overflowing, not from one that's partially full or empty. Emotional rest means honoring "I can't do it right now," and teaching others to respect that boundary. Replenish yourself and give from your overflow, and things will become better. 

✔️ Physical rest. This has to do with giving ourselves permission to rest. Our bodies like getting enough sleep; it is how we regenerate. Another way we take care of the physical is to do fasting and make sure we do three to four hours of not eating before we go to bed so our body, and the liver in particular, can rest. There are so many things we can do for physical rest, including stretching and exercise.

✔️ Spiritual rest. Our connection to the greater good, the greater universe, may or may not include religion. What matters is being intentional in tapping into it. So how does that work? Practices that include meditation, prayer, music, or writing are different ways to keep the spirit whole.

✔️ Social rest. This is important because we are in a very extroverted world. Well, I'm introverted and like people, but I may not want to be with so many people all the time. Get served by taking social breaks and protecting your rest. 


How to Connect with Dianne A. Allen

You have a vision inside to create something bigger than you. What you need is a community and a mentor. The Someone Gets Me Experience could be that perfect solution to bringing your heart's desire into reality. You will grow, transform and connect.

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