Previous Episode: It is Okay to Rest
Next Episode: Are You Distracted?

It's easy to talk about concepts about pursuing a spiritual life. We often hear it from articles, books, coaches, and shows all over the internet. What often gets people stuck is how to get out of their own way and implement the HOWs.

My friend and guest, ordained minister and author Lauren McLaughlin, shares valuable lessons we need to be reminded of every day, and the truth that we each came to planet earth to have a happy, fulfilling life experience, and whenever we connect to our SELF, life doesn't have to be so hard. 

Key points covered in this episode: 

✔️ Gratitude is the best tool for anyone to use for any problem on the planet. Lauren believes this is a practice anyone can do, especially for those who are too caught up in overcomplicating and overthinking. Take a step back and look at everything you have in your life. Often you find that there are so many amazing things to be grateful for. 🌼🤗🌼

Spend a little time appreciating things you take for granted, whether it's a ballpoint pen or a windshield wiper - look at the simplest thing. If it ceased working, you would also be stopped in the basic things you do.  

✔️ You can always be grateful and start with: I can see, I can hear, I can touch, I can taste, I can smell. Even if one of those is compromised, you have other senses that do fantastic work for you. 

I can walk, I can talk, I can love, I can communicate, I can sing, I can dance. Be thankful for these and realize how blessed you are in the simplest and even more complex ways than you would have thought.

✔️A big ego has wrecked so many relationships. 

The need to be right all the time happens to many of us, but we can go beyond it by first becoming aware when it gets triggered and shows up. A valuable tip for partners is to give your ego a name, become aware of triggers to communicate better, and know how to avoid when the ego strikes and starts creating drama. 

✔️ That fear of missing out is an ego disorder. 

Are you stuck in the cycle of anxious thoughts and the need to keep up with what you see on social media? Focusing on your inner-world makes you immune to FOMO. 📴 Turn that phone off, practice meditation, yoga, and journaling, and spend time with people you love to get you connected and centered on the things that hold true value in your life. 

Break the cycle and be present. That's the best thing you can do for YOU.

✔️ Forgiving someone has nothing to do with what they did. 

Whether it's your parents, teachers, friends, loved ones, or everybody else who hurt you or did you wrong - forgiving them does not take away the fact that what was done wrong should be forgotten. However, it is essential to understand that forgiving someone has nothing to do with what they did. When you embrace forgiveness, you let yourself off the grasp of anger, resentment, and revenge. Be free, pursue your joy, and move forward. 


Lauren McLaughlin is an author of two books with spiritual themes. Her first book, published in 2010, is titled "Go to ELF! Connecting with the Eternal Life Force," and her latest book is "THE HANDBOOK OF SPIRITUAL TOOLS – Reaching Beyond the Challenge to Find the Solution. 

Lauren is also an ordained Unity minister, a teacher, speaker, writer, counselor, and retreat facilitator – and she is certified in the energy management techniques of EFT and Psych-K. She and her husband, John, co-ministered Unity churches in Independence, MO, and in Port Richey, FL, and currently minister via the Internet at She lives in Palm Harbor, FL, with her husband, John.

Connect with Lauren: 




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