Communication can be negative (unkind) or positive (kind).  When we speak unkindly to one another it destroys the loving atmosphere we want in our home, and it makes family members feel unhappy and unloved.  On the other hand, when we speak in a positive and kind way to one another, our family is happier.

It is so important to speak positively, because people usually become what they are told they are. 

Try each day to turn negative comments into positive ones.  Remember that any habit is hard to break.  Be kind to yourselves and have patience with one another as you try to improve.  As you help one another speak more positively, it will be easier to improve.

5 benefits of positive speaking:

You have the opportunity to express yourself.  If you speak in a positive way, people will listen to you more readily.  That gives you opportunities to influence people for good.It helps build a positive self-image.  It builds trust in a relationship.  It encourages cooperation.  It promotes honest, open communication.

Mentioned on the Show:

Solutions For Families

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