If we can put into practice what we’ve learned about speaking with kindness, and combine it with sharing our hearts openly, and listening with the intent to understand and help, we are on the road to being able to communicate deeply and effectively.  Strong relationships are build not on “surface talk,” during which people only discuss the weather or other non-threatening subjects.  Usually relationships which stand the test of trials and time are those whose participants are willing to communicate the thoughts and honest feelings of their hearts.  By doing so, they risk ridicule and rejection.  Nonetheless, these people accept that risk because they cannot be satisfied with anything less than sincere, honest, meaningful relationships.

Four parts of good communication:

1. Listening.  

2. Rephrasing.  

3. Probing.  

4. Positive Speaking.  

Relationships are built one interaction at a time.  Each interaction moves the relationship in  positive or a negative ways.  We usually can’t change relationships over night, but making improvements in our communication skills will always move them in positive directions.  

Mentioned on the Show:

Free Parenting Webinar

7 Step Parenting Course

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Website: paulafellingham.com

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