I don’t know about you, but it can feel like all of the rules to building a business or pivoting has changed overnight…or at least over the past few weeks.

The recent uncertainties have left a lot of business owners wondering how they will generate enough revenue to support their business and care for their needs.

While I had planned to talk to Chantelle Pre COVID 19, this interview could NOT have happened at a better time.


Chantelle Cotton is a master event and sales strategist and coach, motivational speaker with over 18 years of sales experience and a proven track record to follow. She teaches entrepreneurs, small business owners and corporations how to increase their revenue by closing more sales before, during and after an event. Her authentic sales approach is both conventional and unconventional, focusing more on the conversation and relationship building aspects of the sales process versus just sales. This technique, in turn, transforms into closing more sales, resulting in raising your bottom line. And through the creation of Luxxe Level Group sales training and business development company and the Why do I say yes program, Chantelle is able to impart wisdom from her lessons learned and experiences to the audience across the nation. She is a widely sought after speaker whose effectiveness is attributed to the fact that she has actually lived the life of what she speaks about.


Amelia Roberts is a digital native who officially became a practitioner of online marketing twelve years ago with a role as a virtual assistant. Student loans from nursing school inspired her to put her love of observing human nature, showing empathy and previous marketing experience to work in new ways and as a result, she was able to pay off her student loans in under 2 years.

Now alongside other roles, you can find Amelia helping under-recognized professionals stand out and "get first dates" in business so that they can become thought leaders in the healthcare industry and beyond.

When she is not optimizing human potential Amelia enjoys planning real and imagined food tours.

You can connect with her on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ameliaroberts/

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ameliaroberts

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rn_solutions

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RN_Solutions

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