Episode: “Have a Confident Online Presence  ”

Welcome to another episode of Nurse Marketing: The Business of Nursing.

Now more than ever we need to show ourselves to be the solution that our clients need.

On this episode, we talk about the importance of having a confident online presence.

Have a Confident Online Presence with Keshia Michelle White

Amelia Roberts interviews Keshia Michelle White


Keshia Michelle White is the founder of Keshia White designs and her agency offers strategic yet beautiful, brand strategy, brand identity and website design for coaches and consultants. After nearly a decade in corporate America working in business to business sales, Keshia took her business full time in 2018. Keshia’s Design work has been recognized by Adobe.


Amelia Roberts is a digital native who officially became a practitioner of online marketing twelve years ago with a role as a virtual assistant. Student loans from nursing school inspired her to put her love of observing human nature, showing empathy and previous marketing experience to work in new ways and as a result, she was able to pay off her student loans in under 2 years.

Now alongside other roles, you can find Amelia helping under-recognized professionals stand out and "get first dates" in business so that they can become thought leaders in the healthcare industry and beyond.

When she is not optimizing human potential Amelia enjoys planning real and imagined food tours.

You can connect with her on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ameliaroberts/

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ameliaroberts

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rn_solutions

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RN_Solutions

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