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-Pranahuti Aided Meditation.

 Key Benefits:

    Greater harmony in all walks of life
    All round happiness and peace not only to oneself but all around
    A life of contentment and total dedication to the cause of humanity in general.

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   I have written in "Efficacy of Raj Yoga". It is we who give them power. Them means, powers of nature. As in Greece, Athena is called the goddess of war, Athena . Athena, goddess of war. So, any deity, they began, for any deity they began to ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ they began to think. If she is war deity and something like that. Here also, Kali Devi is the goddess of destruction. But it is, of course , both powers are there.        Destructive and constructive, both powers . . . And yogi of higher standard they get command over it. A: Both of them? B: Both of them. Constructive and destructive. And prophets come, generally, I'm telling you, they have command over destruction. Destructive power. Not on constructive power. A: Prophets ? B: Prophets. A: Like? B: Like Krishna. I'm telling you, an example like Krishna. A: You mean, he didn't have constructive power? B: Constructive power, no; destructive power he had. Because, he has to destroy, demolish the building and then to grow something higher. When I talk, I talk very freely A: When you talk you ...? B: I talk very freely. Because truth should reach you.  And these bhaktas - I mean saints, they're generally given both, not generally, they are given constructive power. And if need arises, suppose for the change of the world, then they are given destructive also, - constructive, they bring constructive power. But destructive also; but rarely they are given. When nature wants some change or overhauling of the world, then those two things.