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-Pranahuti Aided Meditation.

 Key Benefits:

    Greater harmony in all walks of life
    All round happiness and peace not only to oneself but all around
    A life of contentment and total dedication to the cause of humanity in general.

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     So of course, so, why he should dictate that, man has not got power? Then the thing will be coming. And it can be given power also. In a way that you will also be benefitted, but when there are, so many higher things, why we should attend these lower things? That was solution in a way.
And I did it, and sit in meditation or so, what effect it is coming ? Effect was good, but in . . . . But you should know the meaning of it also. That is also, the meaning of it. But it is all only waste of time, sometimes I do. I am not going to prepare it
?.. this mantra to meditate on I never prescribe ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ But only, how can it be made
into use, and so on.
   Suppose if anybody comes and then say, I have to go to some other man, who can give me mantra. I do not know mantras. Although 2 or 3 I know, what I have read, but I don't prescribe and I don't recommend. At the same time, go please to some other man.
   Because, Vedic mantra, they have got life ?.. But they have the power, moulding of the power, moulding of the word is like that, that it throws some effect, Vedic mantras, I am telling you. But if that moulding is there, if you transmit there. Peep in that it is before me that in this way writing and something. And then give power, and you transmit, it becomes effective. So what is the use? What is the use of that? Just I was thinking, for my knowledge.