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-Pranahuti Aided Meditation.

 Key Benefits:

    Greater harmony in all walks of life
    All round happiness and peace not only to oneself but all around
    A life of contentment and total dedication to the cause of humanity in general.

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B: Why God has made the world, when there are so sufferings? There are so sufferings, He is very cruel, I will not worship Him. In this way. So many persons ask this question. I think you know the answer of it? Do you? A: We like to hear it from you. B: Alright. B: So not, in scientific way very easy. God wanted to create world. Why?    If sulphuric acid be kept in the bottle, bottom for millions year, millions of year. Or the power, the power itself be kept for millions of years. It will exhaust its power to vibrate. Do you follow? Yes A:    Similarily God said, "Well I'm now dying". I am now dying. So he created …,   so he sent out the energy, so that it may work further - connections should be of God - work further. And this world was the result. Now why there are so sufferings ? Then ?    Now in another way I said, "God's will was there at the bottom. Now, the same thing or the mind you got, almost the same mind you have got. Now when you have got mind you began to think so many things. Now its effect is there. If there are good things, you are enjoying. You feel comfortable. And if it is bad thing, you will suffer. So mind came afterwards. After he gave the push to the power, and it left the, its ….. realm of God, it left the realm. It came down. Now, now formation started. And in my opinion, it took one lakh and twenty years say, millions of        , but I say, one lakh and twenty years it took.    So the mind was there, now you began to think otherwise also, and that was the cause of sufferings. God is not responsible. But He is very kind. He does not want that that thing remain in you. So it is burst into the diseases or some difficulties. Only to clean it, I myself observed, after some ailments, fever and so on. I found myself better. A: Spiritually? B:     Yes, spiritually. Because that thing is gone, that impressions we have formed, that is gone now.