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-Pranahuti Aided Meditation.

 Key Benefits:

    Greater harmony in all walks of life
    All round happiness and peace not only to oneself but all around
    A life of contentment and total dedication to the cause of humanity in general.

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In my opinion, meditation itself becomes harmful. A: Meditation? B: Yes, where guide is not there.    Because when that curvature according to the Gurdjieff school of thought, curvature is formed, Master is required. Otherwise you will remain in that. When curvature is formed at a higher state, then it becomes a difficulty. At a higher state curvature is formed. A: Curvature? B: Curvature. Of course, this word was used by Ouspensky. That Armenian. I mean Russian, it was used. And my Master also said that, the same thing, 40 - 50 years before.    It so happens you are at one centre. And when you go to the other centre. Of course that is right, if you go to the third centre. It may be, now you cannot cross, second or third, whatever it may be. You cannot cross that, unless the grossness is over. That. For that Master's help is required. And in spite of the grossness, he will put you to the other region, higher region, by his will force. Otherwise you will be, what you call, roaming all along. A: Groping in the dark.     B: Groping. There Master is needed, otherwise your work is half done. A: Work that means, one or two steps one can take? B: One step some take, sometimes 2 steps, at any time it will comes. A: After that he is stopped? B: Yes that curvature, . . . .    And here it requires one minute only. Even half a minute is sufficient. Just put it on the other side, you will get power more. So that will help him. And take off that grossness, that is all.    So without transmission a man cannot go at the highest. It is my idea. The people asked me about the saints. Oh well, I say well how can I ... how can I say about such a good saint, and such a great saint. What can I say? Something, I procrastinate. And I'm telling you, when a Master is cheaply got, why I should leave him? End of the end, is the final state. A: End of the end B: End of the end is the final state. I don't know what is its meaning. A: Beginning and end, is that the same? B: It is very difficult thought. It contain the whole philosophy of Sahaj Marg. A: End of the end . . . . pralaya . . . . B: Pralaya. I have written in "Efficacy of Ray Yoga" you should have your own pralaya.    That is, you have made the world, you also destroy it. You cannot destroy Gods world. But destroy your world, which you have made. Then is only, His remains.