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A: Ja. By meditation you get stronger and stronger? B: Stronger yes. You prepare field for the Divine to come. A: Sometimes when I meditate I feel just, I go away, you know. And then I think, oh you must think again of You, or the divine light. And then I am go away, but it doesn't matter, it comes after? B:    Yes. There is a proverb here, "Dogs, dogs bark and elephant goes away". He doesn't care of this. That is, thoughts are just liking, like the barking of, yes, the barking of the dog. A: So you shouldn't care about it? B: Be inattentive, that is not attentive.     A: If some, if some thoughts are very troublesome isn't it a good idea then to try to get interest in some divine thoughts? B: Yes. Recall divine thought. When you are in such a distress then recall divine thought.    And the other thing, I don't know if you permit me I may say. That is a sure remedy, but temporary. You think those thoughts are mine, immediately it will bid farewell. That is temporary solved, not permanent. A: But Babuji, sometimes when I have some thoughts that I feel really ashamed of having, then I cannot say that it is my Masters thought because that I couldn't imagine. B: Of course that idea is there, and correct too, but what to do? For your good you may do anything, if it will bring some good to them. A: But some things seems too bad to give you. B: I used to do it, I'm telling you. I used to do it. A: But maybe you haven't had that bad thoughts. B: And this was my own thinking, I'm telling you. When I'm too much vexed by the thought, then I used to do, but not … I might have done a hundred times at least, not more than that.    After 22 years of experience in meditation, I'm clear in every thought. 22 years, now everything is clear to me. So much time I took, but I want that you may not take this time. Earlier, earlier, go earlier. A: Master, how can we avoid not taking so much time as you took? When you started craving for spirituality when you were before 14. B: You see, practice makes a man perfect. You practise and you will get. It is not that I can get and you cannot get. It is not that. It is, the door is open for all humanity.