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A man came to me, and he said, "Well I shall do myself two, three, four hours". (Hindi: I said), "Yes, you can do it, but there is one difficulty. When there is curvature, as Ouspensky puts it. Who will correct it?" You have no power to correct it. There the Master is needed.
Ouspensky dealt very well. Ouspensky, Armenian, no no, Russian.
A: Russia yes
A:   What did you say? What did you say about him?
B: No, no I'm telling you, he was here in 1916, no 1960 or something, in German War, 1916, in Tishnapuri, a place in South India. He did not get satisfaction here, so he went back to his own country. And there he got Gurdjieff, an Armenian. And there are so many volumes, have been written. Of course he is not right, beyond that.
A:   No. But up to that stage?
B:   Before that he is right. The curvature is formed. And once My Master used this word, but in Persian. He was a Persian scholar, and Urdu scholar, he used that even 40 years before the Ouspensky used it. He said the word 'barzakh', barzakh means middle point. That is suppose you are crossing here, this is the middle point. So you can cross this region. While the impressions of this barzakh, or what you call, are gone. And that is why he says it as a curvature.
So in another way these samskaras or impressions are there, when they are clean, you are, you will peep into the, another region.


Here will works, that is all, that is the only instrument, in the hands of the preceptor. Will becomes unfailing in the end, but not in worldly matter, in I mean
A:        Only spiritual ...
B:        In spiritual matters, unfailing. Whatever you think it will happen.
And so much it happens. Suppose any such man says to a certain person. "You are full or complete". Immediately it will happen. Only say word that you are complete, or something like that. Immediately it will effect. So much But there
control is also needed.
A:        Yes.
B:        Control is needed. So many jerks, so much jerk, nobody can bear.
A:        So much what?
B:        Jerks, so much power,
A:        You can't bear.
B:     You can't bear, unbearable. But I am telling you, . . . . nobody does it, but I'm telling you, so much, unbearable.