More guerrilla marketing for your business that are free to help you and your business to grow. One of the basic philosophies of guerrilla marketing is to give things away because they have learned that the more that they can give, the more they receive. So they shift their generosity into high gear and see the world through the eyes of the customer. Basically that’s where you start when determining what to give away because you will be seen as awesome!

Some guerrillas empower the generosity with technology and they write articles for the Internet and they locate other website businesses who would be thrilled to get information at no cost so they may guest blog. They create websites with lots of giveaways information that will bring prospects back for more of the same value. Also, you could sponsor a forum, you could host a conference or sponsor chat sessions where your prospects can come and talk to you and ask questions. You can produce CDs and DVDs to help your prospects with more content so that they understand who you are because technology can help you disseminate information and that information is a powerful marketing ally.