The 10 Components of Psychographics

1. Interests - Your prospects’ interests help you position and create the right marketing message.

2. Opinions – Opinions matter and your audience’s opinions can spread quickly.

3. Beliefs – What do they believe about success, money, happiness and other elements of life?

4. Values – Your audience’s values are their broad preferences concerning appropriate courses of action or outcomes.

5. Goals – What do they want to achieve? For example, are they a bargain hunter looking for the best price or are they oriented toward brand recognition?

6. Attitudes - An attitude is a positive or negative evaluation of people, events, activities, or ideas.

7. Purchasing motives – For example, are they motivated by fear of loss or by pride and prestige? Do they want to save money? Avoid pain? Feel comforted and connnected?

8. Personal characteristics – Personality is difficult to measure but it can play a role in creating your customer’s psychographic profile.

9. Activities – What does your prospect do? What are their hobbies? What are their travelling habits, working habits, and so on.

10. Social class – Where does your customer or prospect fall on the socioeconomic scale? Are they a professional or a manual worker?