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Solomon Success » Podcast

150 episodes - English - Latest episode: 2 months ago - ★★★★★ - 35 ratings

The Solomon Success podcast is dedicated to the timeless wisdom of King Solomon and the Book of Proverbs in order to maximize one’s business and life. To our advantage, we can find King Solomon’s financial strategies in addition to many life philosophies documented in biblical scriptures.

Focusing on these enduring fundamentals of success allows us to bypass the “get-rich-quick” schemes that cause many to stumble on their journey toward success. Our concern is not only spiritual in nature, but also practical. Analysis of these principals will quickly reveal their value in our personal, professional, and financial lives. Success is ours to achieve. The roadmap has been laid for us. All that remains is for us to take disciplined action.

Your host, Jason Hartman interviews top-tier guests, bestselling authors and experts including; Jeff Desich (The Self-Directed IRA Market), Jeremy Josse (Learn What the Old Testament Can Teach Us About Risk), Katherine Albrecht (Teach Your Kids to Say No to the Mark of the Beast), Chris Stone (The Faith Driven Consumer), Marc Mero (Forgive or Relive Your Past), Michael Dowd (Thank God for Evolution), K. Palmer Hartl (The Ten Commandments of Management), Tyron Barrington (Following God's Path in Today's Creative Industries), Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin (Standing Up For America in the Face of Terror), Santiago Rivera (Doing Business God's Way), David Porter (Conservative Investing), Rep Ploshay (Incorporating Faith Into Business), Jerry Robinson (Bankruptcy and Strive on America's Horizon), Luke McClure (Make Better Moral Decisions Under God), Richard Tiller (Tough Conversations), Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Scams), Michael Novak (Ronald Reagan - The Democratic Party and Abortion), O.S. Hawkins (The Jesus Code: Is Money Your God?), Dr. Calvin Mercer (Social & Religious Implications of Life Extension), Bill Cheney (Chief Economist for John Hancock), John Horvat (Return to Order), Rabbi Aryeh Spero (Caucus for America), Larry Julian (God is My CEO), Rodney Stark (How the West Won), Guy Hatcher (Leave A Legacy Beyond Money), Dave Anderson (Run Your Business by The Book), Rabbi Brad Hirshfield (Religion and Politics), Wayne Grudem (Business for the Glory of God), Renee Glover (Habitat for Humanity), John Allen Jr. (The Global War on Christians), Rabbi D.B. Ganz (Uncommon Sense), Chad Hovind (Godonomics), Benjamin Wiker (Worshipping the State), Craig Bergman (Patriots for Christ), Vassula Ryden (Heaven is Real and So is Hell), Joseph Farah (Ten Commandments Billboards), Henry Garman (Run With the Vision), Chris Hogan (Taking An Active Part in Your Finances), Craig Johnson (Lead Vertically), Jeffrey Grupp (Zen Flower Radio: Telementation - The Cosmic Law of Feeling and the Law of Attraction), Robert Katz (The Solomon Portfolio), Jim Collins (Beyond Positive Thinking), Ric Edelman (A Tale of Two Brothers), and Bruce Fleet (Solomon Secret: Seven Principles of Financial Success from King Solomon).

A trademark feature of Hartman Media podcasts are our 'Tenth Episodes' where alternative topics of interest are explored every tenth episode. This provides a diverse mix of programming exploring issues and influential authors including Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Ted Malloch (Doing Virtuous Business), Jeff DeGraff (How To Jumpstart Innovation Teams), and Jim Palmer (It's OK To Be Scared But Never Give Up).

The Solomon Success blog provides in-depth analysis on a range of issues including Interest Rates: What's in Store for 2015, New Tenant Types Fuel Rental Demand, Can 3% Down Boost Lending?, Real Estate Scams: Four Warning Signs, The Young and the Old Drive Rental Demand, Length of Years Can Mean Loss of Money, Successful Investors Maintain Control, Homeownership Drops: Who's Not Buying Houses?, New App Pays Your Rent - But Convenience Costs, Smart Financial Advice - For All of Us, Wise Landlords Think Like King Solomon, False Prophets = False Profits: Keys to God Centered Investing, Stewardship Guides Christian Investing, Income Property Creates A Legacy, Real Estate Trumps Silver and Gold, How Does Prayer Help Investors?, Launch Your Investing Career in Little Rock Arkansas, Set Investing Goals Solomon's Way, Five Habits of Successful Investors, Abundance: Forecast For the Future, Should Bitcoins Buy Real Estate?, What's Keeping Mortgage Interest Rates So Low?, Objective Decisions Create Investing Success, The US: Still the World's Only Superpower?, Real Estate: The Universal Asset, Home Buying Drop Means Investor Opportunity, Migration Gives Clues About Market Strength, RV Ratio: Key to Prudent Investing, Identity Theft Crosses All Borders, Can Over-Regulation Stifle Small Business?, Do College Grads Earn More?, Social Media Boosts Investing Success, Section 8 Rents Are Government Guaranteed, Investing Can Keep the Golden Years Golden, Housing Obsolescence Stops Buyers and Renters, The Typical Corporate Spiel, Will Lower Credit Standards Boost Borrowing?, Rates Are Low - But So Are Mortgages, Young Adults Beat Out Baby Boomers, House Flipping: Sound Investing?, Tenants With Disabilities: What Landlords Need to Know, Personal Brands: A Tool for Investors?, Are You A Technology Addict?, Get Started in Real Estate - For Free, Buy or Rent: It All Depends, Buyer Caution May Stall Housing's Recovery, Weather Events Cost Unprepared Investors Money and Time, Is HOusing in Recovery or Decline?, New Technology Supports Bitcoin Freedom, Build Wealth With Prosperity - Not Precious Metals, Prudent Investing Saves on Capital Gains Taxes, Real Estate Trumps Gold for Long Term Returns, Mortgage Lenders Loosen Credit Requirements, Inflation Can Be An Investor's Friend, Natural Disasters Create Challenges for Landlords, In World Markets, the Dollar Inspires Trust, Human Needs Drive Investing Success, Tax Season Means Tax ID Theft, Your Credit Score: Investing Gold, Fewer First Time Buyers: More Renters, Is Another Housing Bubble About to Burst?, Where Are 2014's Best Markets?, Do Government Subsidies Prop Up Big Banks?, Market Patterns Affect Investing Success, Relativity and Diversity: Keys to Investing Success, Don't Let These Investing Myths Stop You, International Students Boost Local Markets, Investing Abroad Brings Risks, Low Tech Real Estate Scams Still Thrive, Early to Rise Makes for Wise Investing, New Regulations May Crush Small Banks, Are Women the Voice of Investing Wisdom?, Time is On the Side of Smart Investors, Bitcoin Trades Trigger Online Scams, Smart Investors Look to Improvements, The Fed's Stimulus Plan Has Worldwide Effects, Weather Puts A Chill on House Hunting, Prudent Investors Look Ahead, Don't Let Stress Hurt Investing Success, Home Owners Score on the Big Banks, Insurance Companies Invest Big in Real Estate, The Dogecoin Benefits From Bitcoin Troubles, The Bitcoin: Real Money or a Construct?, Financial Independence Doesn't Start Here, JP Morgan Chase Gets Caught Lying - Again, Mortgage Troubles Reach Pre-Crash Levels, Does Credit Monitoring Protect Data?, Does Identity Theft Insurance Really Work?, More Tapering's on the Way: Good News for Investors?, Can Consorting With Sinners Bring Bitcoin Down?, Banking in the Shadows Affects Home Loans, Wisdom From the Wild Can Inspire Investors, New Technology Promises to Keep Data Safe, Tax Breaks For Investors Takes A Hit This Year, What Does Your Online Profile Say About You?, Foreign Investment Heats Up US Housing, Post Lawsuits: Big Banks Try New Strategies, Information Overload Can Stall Goals, What Happens to Housing in 2014, Social Media Activity Can Sink Loan Applications, Make Your Own Digital Money?, The Federal Reserve Plots a Course for the New Year, Five Resolutions for Better Investing in 2014, Top Five Money Stories of 2013, New Rules Change Lending Landscape in 2014, New Debt to Income Ratio Rule May Cool Borrowing, Hackers Take Advantage of Outdated Debit Card Security, Target's Data Hack Highlights Security Risks, The Ven Follows the Bitcoin's Footsteps, The Fed Starts to Taper But Who Benefits?, What to Do When A Bank Says No, Are Bitcoins the Folly of Fools?, Financial Literacy: A Gift That Lasts A Lifetime, Fannie Mae Changes the Balance in Mortgage Lending, Do Home Swaps Challenge Short Term Rentals?, Floating Cities: The Future is Now, Can Digital Currency Dominate the Markets?, Canceled Cards Can Harm Credit Scores, Financial Advisor Scams Target Seniors, Digital Currency: Changing the World's Financial Landscape?, Learn Exclusive Real Estate Investing Methods, Prudent Investors Invest to Protect Assets, Lending Changes May Mean Prosperity for 2014, Is Foreign Investing Healthy For Housing?, Ten Words of Wisdom on Real Estate, The Coin: A Digital Wallet for a Paperless World, Can bank Fraud Cases Harm the Economy, Private Lending Boosts New Investors, Why Do Lenders Say Yes or No?, A Quantitative Easer Speaks Truth About the Stimulus, Caught in Snares: Bank of America Pays Up Again, VA Loan Loophole Creates Investing Opportunities, THe Reluctant Landlord: Turning A Home Into A Rental, Do Alternative Currencies Threaten Traditional Banking?, Is Gold A Prudent Investment Today?, Can Vampires and Zombies Stall the Housing Recovery?, Fannie Mae's Lawsuit Exposes Banking's Wicked Plots, Vintage homes Draw Investing Dollars, Younger Investors: The Do It Yourself Generation, Do Nuisance Laws Punish the Wrong People?, Online Auctions: Risky or Prudent for Investors?, The Stimulus Continues But Interest Rates Rise, Five Investing Tips From Rich Investors, New Bank Settlement - New Lending Rules, After the Shutdown: Wither the Dollar?, The Shutdown's Over: Now What Happens to the Stimulus?, Should Parents Teach Kids About Advertising?, Go to the Alpine Swift Investor, The Debt Ceiling Debate: Is Housing At Risk?, Know This Before Approaching A Lender, Ten More Words for Wise Investing, Are You Still Making These Three Investing Mistakes?, The Bitcoin: New Currency for Cyber Crime?, The Power of Social Media: You Are Your Profile, Banks Turn to Automated Assessments to Skirt Liability, The Governments Shutdown Spares Mortgages, Prudent Investors Benefit From New Mortgage Standards, Can Tighter Lending Standards Strangle the Stimulus?, The Stimulus Sticks Around For Now, Are Virtual Banks Secure?, Americans Give Up Citizenship to Protect Assets, Five Ways to Forestall Landlord/Tenant Conflict, Online Scams Follow Marijuana Legalization, Five Ways to Find Good Tenants, Take the Tour: Meet the Experts in Austin, Home Equity Isn't Always Home Security, Silver: More Precious Than Gold in the Metals Markets, Housing Lobbyists Force Changes in Mortgage Lending, Stay Focused: Fight Information Overload, Rising Rents Reflect the Reality of Inflation and Demand, Five Investing Apps for Smartphones and Tablets, Three Keys to Making Safe Mobile Transactions, Does the Housing Rebound Signal A Coming Crash?, Seven Quotes for Prudent Investors, Home Security: Avoiding Landlord Woes, QM Rule Updates May Help Housing Recovery, More Charges Ahead for the Big Banks, Should Investors Prepare for Tapering?, Social Media: Tools for Prudent Investors, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Skew the Profit Numbers, Eminent Domain Home Seizures Worry Lenders, Retirement Realities and Encore Careers, Make the Home Office Deduction Work For You, Prudent Buyers Rent Before They Leap, Playing by the Rules Includes These Business Deductions, New Fraud Charges Coming for Chase Bank, Good Leases Can Prevent Problems, Prudent Investors Insure Their Investments, Snowden's Asylum Hurts Russian/US Relations, Wickedness Exposed: New Bank Fraud lawsuits, Stagflation: Wise Investors See Benefits, Global Economic Clout Heads West, Consent Not To Sinners: The Top Five Real Estate Scams, In Real Estate Cash Isn't Always King, Wisdom is Worth More Than Palladium?, Rental Housing Choices Bridge Generation Gaps, Power Companies vs Solar Power: Who Wins?, Can Chinese Investment Boost US Housing, Short Sales: Bad Name for Good Real Estate?, Is the End Near for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?, New Bills Target Housing Policy Reform, Housing Finance Reform Targets the Government's Role, What Would Solomon Say About Digital Money?, Pocket Listings: A Devious Route to Home Sales, First TIme Homebuyers Are Opting Out, Green Mortgages Save Money, New Bill Promises More Justice in Housing Policies, Can Math Skills Help the Housing Recovery?, Tax law Changes Tackle the Mortgage Interest Deduction, Student Loans: When Wisdom Breaks the Bank, What Does 'The Fed' Mean To You?, Five Ways to Keep Your Money Safe from Wicked Plots Online, The Shadow Economy Has Consumer Clout, False Friend: Social Media Scammers Target Investors, Investing Lessons From Paula Deen's Downfall, Growing Pains for Bitcoin, Internet Tools Let Buyers Take Charge, Flip Houses Get RIch Quick? - Not Necessarily, King Solomon's Five Virtues For Investors, The Fed's Bond Buy-up Comes To An End: What's Next?, Justice For Tenants - But What About Landlords?, Five Signs of A Lying Lender, Justice and Judgement: Another Bank Fraud Case Hits the Courts, Cash for Quick Home Sales: A Wise Harvest?, No Credit is the New Credit, Overseas Radio Network: The Voice of Prudence for American Expatriates, Seeking Justice: Landlord-Tenant Disputes Clog Courts, Tapping IRA's to Fund Investments: A Prudent Choice?, Al Franken Finally Does Something Right, When Sinners Entice Thee: Online Investing Scams, The Wisdom of Old Documents, Millennial Job Seekers: A New Lost Generation?, The High Cost of Knowledge: Private Student Loans on the Rise, Reverse Mortgages: A Prosperity Plan That Can Backfire, New Rule Rewards Prudent Borrowers, Why the Loan Slowdown?, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: An Uncertain Future?, When Planning to Grow Wealth - Listening to King Solomon Helps, Lenders May Forgive Foreclosures, Do Big Lenders Lack Mercy and Truth?, Streamlined Modification: Justice for Struggling Borrowers, Going Green: The Natural Choice for Wise Investing?, Wise Counsel Doesn't Have to Break the Bank, Employment Gains May Slow the Federal Bond Buy-Up, Five Words of Investing Wisdom From King Solomon, Can Lessons From the Past Prevent A New Housing Collapse?, The Federal Reserve Securities BuyUp: Past Its Season?, When Getting Credit Creates Bad Credit, Mortgage Brokers Can Get A Good Deal - Sometimes, Banks Learn From the Past and Harm the Recovery, Owning A Home: Damaging the Economy?, No Choice Silver: More Apologies to Mortgage Fraud Victims, The Wise Heed the Advice of the Wiser, Learn From the Past: A New Housing Bubble?, The Fed's Bond Buy-Up: Propping Up the People?, Bank of America: More Scandals - None the Wiser, Student Debt Hits Women and Minorities Hardest, New FHA Rules Mean Higher Mortgage Costs, Seek Wise Counsel to Avoid False Counsel, Financial Planner or Money Manager: Finding the Counsel You Need, When Good Debt Turns Bad, Student Loan Debt: The High Price of Wisdom, Mortgage Settlement Checks Reach Victims - Only to Bounce, Mortgage Debt: A Prudent Financial Strategy, Changing Demographics: New Views on Home Buying, Gold Prices Down - Interest Rates Up?, Avoid the Enticements: Ten Signs of Real Estate Scams, Mortgage Relief Scams: Enticing Vulnerable Homeowners, Major Lenders Get An Image Overhaul, Bullets: The Next Bubble About to Burst, Real Estate Scams: Iniquity on the Internet, Real Estate Scams: Traps for the Unwise, Bitcoin: A New Currency for a New Age, What Does LIBOR Mean for Investors?, Banks and LIBOR: Sidestepping Justice?, Are Zombies Haunting the Housing Industry?, Big Banks Still Fight Fraud Charges, Women: A Force in the Rental Market, Are Retirees Facing the Next Housing Crisis?, Technical Tools Support Investors, Can Shadow Demand Impact the Recovery, Can Government Policy Sink the Housing Recovery, Finding Wealth in Houses: The Memphis Wealth Building Bus Tour, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: A New Look for Mortgage Lending, Strategic Defaulters Can Redeem Themselves, Buyer Urgency: Heating Up the Housing Market?, Housing Activists Say Investors Are Ruining the Recovery, Disaster Damaged Homes: A Good Deal?, Homeowner Assistance Gives Investors A Helping Hand, Tenants Rate Landlords: An Equitable Trade-Off?, Refinancing: A Prudent Move For Investors?, Mortgage Lenders Find New Loopholes in Homeowner Assistance, New Federal Props for the Housing Market, Investing in Property Abroad: A Prudent Retirement Strategy?, The Shadow Clouds Housing Recovery, House Names Can Make or Break A Sale, The Housing Recovery: Behind the Scenes, No Closing Cost Mortgages: Long Term Benefits?, A Time for Landlords: Today's Hot Rental Market, Passive Acticity: When Doing Nothing Gets Deductions, Wise Investors Think Corporate Housing, New Home Construction: Slowing the Housing Recovery?, Investing Abroad: Opportunities Bring Challenges, Do Rising Home Prices Mean Trouble?, The Housing Bubble Returneth - Maybe, Low Interest Rates = Vulnerable Pension Plans, King Solomon Would Have Liked Memphis, Is it Time for Mortgage Rates to Rise?, Some Lenders Escape Regulation, A Nation of Renters?, The Wisdom to Know the DIfference: Finding Good Investing Advice, Investing for Retirement: Making A Crown of Old Age, The House That Wisdom Built: Women in Investing, Seller Financing: Exploiting Vulnerable Homebuyers, Credit Reporting Agencies Must Obey These Government Rules, Wisdom Hath Built Herself A House - And Prices Are Rising, The AMT: A 'Just' Tax Gone Awry, The Courts: Last Word in Foreclosures, Baby Boomers: Changing the Housing Landscape, Making A Difference with Foreclosures, Just and Equitable Dealing: A Cornerstone of Good Investing, Lying Tongues and Wicked Plots: Mortgage Fraud Returns, Don't Choose Financial Suicide, Preserving Wealth With Wisdom, Wealth Needs Prudence for Prosperity, Wealth Has Its Privileges and Higher Taxes, Five Proverbs For Investing Success, The Shadow Inventory and Housing Recovery, Would Solomon Approve of the Fiscal Cliff Deal?, Home Ownership: Not What it Used to Be, Mortgage Backed Securities: Boosting the Recovery, Mortgage Lending Conditions Favor Prudent Investors, Falling Off the Fiscal Cliff, Rising Home Prices: An Economic Upswing, Why is This A Good Time to Invest?, Low Mortgage Interest: Sustenance for the Future, The National Mortgage Database: A Snare For the Unwary?, Foreclosures: A Measure of the Market, The Federal Reserve: Mismanaging A Mess, King Solomon's Path to Prosperity is For Investors Too, Prudent Planning for Tax Season, New Federal Reserve Stimulus Helps Housing, Where Does Your Loan Come From?, Financial Independence: A Conservative and Effective Approcah, What Would Solomon Say About the Fiscal Cliff, A Small World: Why Interest Rates Remain Low, Capital Gains Tax Rules: Benefits for Investors, Prudent Investing: Managing A Mortgage, The Dodd-Frank Act: New Standards in Mortgage Lending, HARP Mortgage Relief Helps the Housing Market, Looking Ahead: Foreclosures Predict Housing Trouble?, Understanding the Micro Housing Market, Land vs Property: Where Real Wealth Lies, Real Estate Fraud: Avoiding the Deceiving Tongues, Hurricane Sandy: Creating Hardship for Homeowners, Tax Lien Sales: A Prudent Avenue For Investing?, The Robosigning Settlement: Did the Just Prevail?, Do the Hard Stuff First, Looking Ahead: Cautious Optimism for Housing, Turn Inflation to Your Financial Advantage, Bulk Home Sales: Equal Opportunities, Hardship Exemptions: Help for Struggling Homeowners, Foreign Investors Choose US for Stability, Know Your Coverage: Property Insurance and Disaster Claims, Investing in Retirement: The Age of Wisdom, Brothers in Distress: Helping Homeowners After Hurricane Sandy, Mortgage Fraud: Wicked Plots, Local Real Estate: What Makes A Good Market?, You're Never Too Young (or Old) to Invest, Clouds in the Mortgage Market: Silver Lining for Investors, Fannie Mae's Foreclosures: Bad News for Solo Investors, Morgtgaes Changes Help Prudent Investors, Multi or Single Family

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118: How Solomon Saw the World & Bible's #1 Wealth Building Principle

July 07, 2019 19:33 - 23 minutes - 17 MB

New co-host Rabbi Evan Moffic takes today's show to teach you how King Solomon saw the world and what he taught us in his writings in the bible. He also dissects what stops us from taking the action we know we need to do, what God tells us about that, and how we work through our fears. Key Takeaways: [4:24] Who was King Solomon? [7:44] You can't achieve anything without making mistakes [11:08] What do we fear? [15:00] Stay true to your core principles [16:50] Wealth comes from gi...

117: Happiness Prayer for Investors by Rabbi Evan Moffic

June 28, 2019 17:06 - 23 minutes - 16.9 MB

Jason Hartman talks with Rabbi Evan Moffic, author of The Happiness Prayer: Ancient Jewish Wisdom for the Best Way to Live Today. The two discuss why the bible actually promotes wealth (and what we should DO with that wealth), as well as what gives people true happiness. Key Takeaways: [3:30] Human beings are creators, and if you don't get to create you don't usually feel fulfilled [6:03] Pleasure and happiness are two completely different things [10:51] Plant a tree whose shade you ...

116: Senator John Milkovich, Heartbeat Bill & Juvenile Crime

June 21, 2019 20:54 - 20 minutes - 15 MB

Jason Hartman talks with John Milkovich, Louisiana State Senator of the 38th District and author of the new book Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order, about the dark past of Robert Mueller and why he seems to have so much credibility today despite that. After discussing Mueller the two veer into what Senator Milkovich is working on in Louisiana in regards to abortion legislation, and ways that the state can combat juvenile crime. Key Takeaways: [1:59] Why does Mueller hav...

SS 115: Consider the Evidence, in Defense of the Reliability of the New Testament with Daniel Buttafuoco

March 01, 2019 22:01 - 17 minutes - 12.6 MB

Jason Hartman talks with attorney Daniel Buttafuoco, author of the book Consider the Evidence: A Trial Lawyer Examines Eyewitness Testimony in Defense of the Reliability of the New Testament, about why we can believe what we read in the bible and how he believes there's enough evidence to prove the Christian faith. Key Takeaways: [3:15] How the New Testmanet is evidence to the reliability of the bible [5:50] The evidence that's available for the more supernatural part of faith [10:33...

SS 114 - The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks with Diana Butler Bass

November 23, 2018 16:00 - 21 minutes - 15.6 MB

Jason Hartman talks with Diana Butler Bass, Ph.D. in religious studies and award-winning author of 10 books including her newest, Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks. The two dive in to why being grateful is important, both for the community and the individual. Diana explains the 4 dispositions of gratitude and the health benefits that come from being grateful. Key Takeaways: [2:37] Gratitude actually makes you healthier [7:56] Gratitude functions out of our higher brai...

SS 113 - How to Fix Society's Idolatry of Money and Power with Scott A Shay

November 02, 2018 19:38 - 27 minutes - 19.8 MB

Jason Hartman talks with Scott Shay, co-found of Signature Bank and author of In Good Faith: Questioning Religion and Atheism, about the dangers of our society becoming more cash averse, the degradation of ethics and character, and how we can reverse the course our nation is still on that idolizes money and power. Key Takeaways: [1:53] Even after everything we went through in the Great Recession, the banking industry is more consolidated now than it's ever been [4:43] 60% of bank merge...

SS 112 - The Timothy Plan for Biblical Investing with Art Ally

October 19, 2018 20:19 - 18 minutes - 13.7 MB

Jason Hartman talks with Art Ally, President & Founder of Timothy Plan, about biblically responsible investing. The two unwrap what that truly means, as well as how you can get by on less than you truly think. They also explore more of what the bible tells us in regards to our investing strategy and how Timothy Plan can help. Key Takeaways: [2:03] The definition of "biblically responsible investing" [5:36] We're in a mess because all of our training in handling money has come from the ...

SS 111 - Your Life...Well Spent, The Eternal Rewards of Investing Yourself & Your Money in Your Family by Russ Crosson, Ronald Blue Trust

August 24, 2018 19:39 - 15 minutes - 11.2 MB

Jason Hartman talks with Russ Crosson, Executive Vice Chairman of the Board at Ronald Blue Trust, about how to get a higher return on life, the importance of erring on the side of generosity, enjoying your life based on what you have and enjoying the trip. Key Takeaways: [2:22] How faith should inform your finances [4:08] People will make bad financial investments and not think twice, but when it comes to giving their sometimes over cautious [8:22] How you need to think about investm...

SS 110 - Leaving Space for the World to Fill in the Gaps with Joel Comm

August 17, 2018 21:02 - 23 minutes - 16.9 MB

Jason Hartman talks with Joel Comm, author of the new book The Fun Formula and host of the Bad Crypto Podcast, about his new book The Fun Formula and how subtle changes in our thinking and routine can enable us to design the life we truly desire: one of significance and joy. They also discuss why he's bullish on cryptocurrencies and blockchain, the changes blockchain will bring to our society, ICOs and more. Key Takeaways: [2:31] The origin of The Fun Formula [6:42] You have to leave...

SS 109 - Pope Francis & the Caring Society with Dr Robert Whaples

May 04, 2018 20:04 - 24 minutes - 23.6 MB

Jason Hartman talks with Dr. Robert Whaples, Professor and Chair in the Department of Economics, Wake Forest University and co-editor and managing editor of The Independent Review. The two discuss the current Pope's world view and the nature of the Catholic church today. Key Takeaways: [1:58] What is Pope Francis' world view? [6:23] How the economy is connected to the environment in the Pope's world view [12:02] Do we need environmental regulations and taxes? [13:49] Have we just e...

SS 108 - Achieving True Liberty Through Education and Critical Thinking with Connor Boyack

February 06, 2018 03:00 - 36 minutes - 33.8 MB

Jason Hartman welcomes Connor Boyack, author of the Tuttle Twins children's book series, and founder of Libertas Insitute, to discuss the need for education about our rights and liberties to be taught to children at a young age. The Tuttle Twin series is aimed at taking important pieces of adult literature and distilling them into key points to emphasize in a way a child can understand. Jason and Connor dive into subject matter including how government and powerful entities erode our freed...

SS 107 - How the Government Can Suppress Religious Teaching Using the Prison System with Dr. Dino, Kent Hovind

January 26, 2018 22:22 - 33 minutes - 30.9 MB

Jason Hartman talks with Dr. Dino, Kent Hovind, who was arrested and sentenced to prison for what he believes was teaching creationism. Kent is a "young earther" who teaches the earth only being around 6,000 years old. While he was beign arrested he heard the police referring to one of his DVDs. Afterward his charges were for "structuring" which is normally used to catch drug dealers. Listen in as Jason and Kent discuss Kent's case, as well as how the government continues to overstep their...

SS 106 - Using Our Power & Wealth the Way the Bible Instructs with Rob Bell

January 05, 2018 16:10 - 26 minutes - 24.6 MB

Jason Hartman talks with Rob Bell, one of TIME's 100 Most Influential People in 2011 and author of Love Wins, about the bible's views on entrepreneurship, what we should be doing with the wealth we accumulate, and what we can learn from King Solomon's story. The two also discuss how good things can become victims of their own success and lead to people simply doing the same things as before to sustain the system rather than trying to improve life like it was initially. Key Takeaways: [...

Start Your Year with Advice from Rich Dad Advisor Ken McElroy

January 03, 2018 13:00 - 3 minutes - 3.34 MB

Jason Hartman is proud to announce the latest addition to the 2018 Meet the Masters of Income Property event, Ken McElroy. Ken is a Rich Dad Advisor and entrepreneur who is an expert in investment analysis, property management, and property development. He's responsible for over $700 million investment dollars in real estate. Ken is the author of the best-selling books The ABC’s of Real Estate Investing, The Advanced Guide to Real Estate Investing, The ABC’s of Property Management, and m...

SS - Ron Paul, the Leading Voice of Freedom, to Headline 2018 Meet the Masters

January 02, 2018 04:11 - 5 minutes - 4.86 MB

2018's Meet the Masters event was already packed with great speakers like Jason Hartman, Garrett Sutton, Brian Smith, Danielle DiMartino-Booth, John Burns, and more. Today, Jason Hartman is proud to announce that former Congressman (and America's foremost advocate for libery) Ron Paul will be joining the fold to headline the event. Ron Paul was most recently a Republican candidate for President in 2008 and 2012, and served in the US House of Representatives for Texas for more than 25 years...

SS 105 - How the New GOP Tax Reform Impacts Your Family with Ryan Schellhous

December 30, 2017 01:51 - 45 minutes - 41.7 MB

Jason Hartman talks with Ryan Schellhous, founder at IndigoSpire CPAs & Advisors, about the new tax plan. The two start off with a 30,000 foot overview of the plan, then drill down into specific components of the plan as they figure out who is going to be helped and who may not see as much of a benefit under the plan. Ryan explains the biggest revenue raisers and "losers" under the new bill, and some of the most important pieces that will impact individual filers. Key Takeaways: [3:23] T...

SS 104 - God's Bitcoin, Christ Coin with Luke Forstmann

December 08, 2017 14:00 - 22 minutes - 20.4 MB

There seems to be a new cryptocurrency popping up every week, with markets being discovered, and new algorithms occurring all the time. There's a new player in town, however, and it's serving a market that so far has been avoided, and that's Christianity. Jason Hartman talks with Luke Forstmann, co-founder of Christ Coin, about what his cryptocurrency is based on, how you get it, how their currency actually gives back to communities, and the plethora of ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) that a...

SS 103 - A Firsthand Look at the Attack on Route91 Christian Concert

October 04, 2017 19:28 - 16 minutes - 16.1 MB

Sunday night in Las Vegas shook the town and, tragically, saw the loss of life to over 50 and caused injuries to over 400 participants at the Route91 Christian Music Festival. The deranged gunman who fired at them was shooting from the Mandalay Bay hotel, where Jason Hartman happened to be attending a meeting. Jason took some time Monday evening to reflect on his experience as the realization dawned on him, and the other meeting attendees, that someone was shooting at people on the ground....

SS 102 - Foreign Investments Impact on US Real Estate

September 01, 2017 13:27 - 33 minutes - 15.5 MB

Jason talks with Elisabeth Embry, host of the Women Investing Network Podcast, about what's going on in the world of real estate and inflation right now. They discuss some linear, hybrid, and cyclical markets, as well as the influence of foreign investors in the US real estate landscape. Key Takeaways: [1:48] What Jason learned on his 7 week vacation/trip to Europe [5:50] The patterns of countries like Japan and the importance of demographics [10:15] Whether "this time it's different...

SS 101 - Religion in Medicine with Dr John Dawson

July 08, 2017 02:37 - 12 minutes - 11.8 MB

Medical schools today no longer bother teaching their students about what different religions believe about health care practices, which is leaving some people of faith out in the cold when they receive care. Dr John Dawson, however, believes that this is something worth knowing, and has laid it out in his book Religion in Medicine. Jason Hartman and Dr Dawson look at when the change happened, and what can be done to educate current physicians and health care providers. Key Takeaways: ...

SS 100 - The Soul of the First Amendment with Floyd Abrams

June 30, 2017 12:23 - 23 minutes - 21.5 MB

When we think of the First Amendment, we tend to believe that it allows us to say whatever we want, often without any repercussions. But what does it actually protect, and from whom? Floyd Abrams represented The New York Times in the 1971 Pentagon Papers case, and is author of the new book The Soul of the First Amendment. He explains to Jason how the First Amendment actually protects us, what it DOESN'T protect us from, and why some areas aren't as protected as others. In a day and age whe...

SS 99 - Asset Matrix Inflation vs Deflation

May 26, 2017 22:00 - 31 minutes - 28.7 MB

In a recent investment seminar, Jason Hartman dove into the topic of investing in income property during an inflationary period. After single-family homes sales rose in January, income property inventory became low. As we head deeper into a Trump administration, Jason points out that the signs of inflation are there and we'd better be ready for it. Key Takeaways: [0:40] Inflation induced debt destruction and your mortgage [2:46] Jason explains how the government manipulates inflation n...

SS 98 - Investors Rising Faith in the Economy with Frances Donald

May 19, 2017 16:00 - 26 minutes - 24 MB

Today we meet Frances Donald, Senior Economist at Manulife Asset Management and Chief Economist at John Hancock Financial Services. Frances and Jason Hartman take a look into consumer, investor, and executive sentiment numbers around the housing and job markets. They also investigate what's behind the stock market resurgence, and how much we might be able to attribute to Trump's policy initiatives. Key Takeaways: [1:12] Investor sentiment gives a positive outlook for the US economy [3:...

SS 97 - Taking the LEAP and Launching Your Full-Time Career in Our Part-Time Economy

March 17, 2017 19:21 - 22 minutes - 20.3 MB

Robert Dickie III is President of Crown Financial Ministries and author of The LEAP, and Love Your Work. Jason Hartman talks with Robert about how people can improve their lot in life without getting trapped under a mountain of debt. Thanks to technology, which is disrupting everything, Robert says it's easier (and cheaper) than ever before. Key Takeaways: [2:54] What exactly Robert means when he says "stewardship" [4:45] The inflection point between the old, dying economy and the new ...

SS 96 - God and Money, How We Discovered True Riches at Harvard Business School with Greg Baumer

June 25, 2016 03:57 - 22 minutes - 20.4 MB

Greg began his career with McKinsey & Company, serving clients in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, retail, and healthcare.  He then worked as an investment professional for the private equity firm Advent International, where he focused on investments in the healthcare sector.  After earning his MBA from Harvard Business School in 2015, Greg joined Nashville-based healthcare technology startup naviHealth as vice president of product development and innovation. It was whi...

SS 95 - The Freedom Factor, Finding Peace by Forgiving Others... and Yourself & The Dream Giver, Following Your God Given Destiny with Bruce Wilkinson

June 10, 2016 12:00 - 23 minutes - 21.2 MB

International ministry leader and award-winning author Bruce Wilkinson founded TEN as the culmination of four decades of proven global ministry and training ‘best practices’. He has given keynote addresses at major national and international events with stadium audiences of 80,000 or more. Bruce’s breakout book, The Prayer of Jabez, was the fastest-selling book in history with worldwide sales exceeding 20 million. He has written more than 60 books that have been translated into 30 languages,...

SS 94 - Broken Pieces, Nothing is Wasted with Bank2's Ross Alan Hill

May 20, 2016 12:00 - 13 minutes - 12.5 MB

Ross is the founder, President and CEO of Bank2 in Oklahoma City, OK. Bank2 was started in 2002 as a community bank with a mission to Build Better Lives. Bank2 was named the number one community bank in the nation in 2009 and number 3 in 2010 based upon REO by the American Banking Journal. Bank2 was named one of Oklahoma’s Top Work Places in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Ross seeks to live out his faith 24/7. His office has become a huge part of his platform. Ross uses his “Spiritual Whatsit” to shar...

SS 93 - DIG DEEP, 7 Truths to Finding the Strength Within with Canadian Football League & OK Sooners Orange Bowl Champ and former Congressman JC Watts

March 18, 2016 18:30 - 27 minutes - 24.8 MB

JC Watts is a former Congressman from Oklahoma, President of Feed the Children, co-chair of the Coalition for AIDS Relief in Africa, founder and Chairman of JC Watts Companies and Watts Consulting Group. He's also the author of the new book Dig Deep: 7 Truths for Finding the Strength Within. In Dig Deep, J.C. Watts offers seven powerful maxims that have kept him grounded throughout his roller-coaster career from star college quarterback to U.S. Congressman. The first black Republican ever e...

SS 92 - Faith Driven Consumer and Faithnomics with Chris Stone

January 16, 2016 05:56 - 31 minutes - 28.7 MB

Chris Stone is a certified Brand Strategist and founder of Faith Driven Global™, the premier channel for brands to reach the rapidly emerging and economically powerful consumer segment known as Faith Driven Consumers—41 million adults who comprise 17 percent of the U.S. population and spend $2 trillion annually. Stone has spent nearly 20 years building bridges between major brands and their target customers. Regarded as the national expert on the Faith Driven Consumer™ segment, Stone was the...

SS 91 - Proverbial Beauty, Secrets for Success & Happiness from the Wisdom of the Ages with Rabbi Yonason Goldson

January 09, 2016 03:15 - 17 minutes - 16.2 MB

Rabbi Yonason Goldson, a talmudic scholar and radio personality, is a former hitchhiker, circumnavigator, and newspaper columnist who lives with his wife in St. Louis, Missouri.   His new book is Proverbial Beauty:  Secrets for Success and Happiness from the Wisdom of the Ages, a marriage of King Solomon’s proverbs with the mysterious beauty of the Mona Lisa, is filled with discovery, insight, and inspiration. He has authored four books and hundreds of articles on contemporary issues, curr...

SS 90 - O'Reilly Factor & Hannity on Fox News, Making the Case, How to Be Your Own Best Advocate with Kimberly Guilfoyle

January 02, 2016 03:13 - 20 minutes - 18.5 MB

Kimberly Guilfoyle joined FOX News Channel (FNC) in January 2006 as the host of the one-hour crime-based program, “The Lineup,” which covers major breaking news including politics and entertainment with an emphasis on legal affairs.  She currently co-hosts The Five, a one hour talk/debate show that airs at 5 PM EST on FNC.  Guilfoyle serves as a legal analyst for the channel, appearing regularly on O’Reilly, Hannity, and other shows.  She is also a host for Live. Prior to her br...

SS 89 - Kingdom Business & Investing God's Way with Dr. Pete Sulack

December 25, 2015 06:28 - 15 minutes - 14.1 MB

Born into a godly and loving home, Dr. Pete grew up in church and gave his life to Christ at a young age. But while he loved the Lord and deeply desired to serve Him, throughout his formative years he realized that something important was missing from his relationship with Christ. “I did all the things that Christians do to cultivate intimacy with God,” he recalls. “I prayed and read my Bible regularly, I was involved in my church, and to the best of my ability I shared my faith with others....

SS 88 - Thank God for Evolution, Marriage of Science and Religion with Rev. Michael Dowd

December 19, 2015 06:50 - 24 minutes - 22.4 MB

The Reverend Michael Dowd is an evolutionary theologian, bestselling author, and evangelist for Big History and an honorable relationship to the future. His 2009 book, Thank God for Evolution, was endorsed by 6 Nobel Prize-winning scientists, noted skeptics, and by religious leaders across the spectrum. His work has been featured in The NY Times, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Newsweek, Discover, Wired, Skeptic, and on CBC, CNN, ABC News, and Fox News. Michael and his wife,...

SS 87 - 7 Wealth Building Secrets, Your Guide to Money and Meaning with De'Andre Salter

December 13, 2015 05:55 - 16 minutes - 15 MB

De’Andre Salter is a dynamic visionary who possesses an insightful awareness of what people need to be empowered for spiritual and natural success. As Senior Pastor of The Tabernacle Church in South Plainfield, NJ, and the CEO of Professional Risk Solutions and other business ventures, he models how believers can use all of their abilities to prosper and expand the Kingdom of God. Under his leadership, The Tabernacle Church has grown very quickly. At the same time, his business has become on...

SS 86 - Self Directed Investing & Retirement Planning with Jeff Barnes

December 06, 2015 03:11 - 33 minutes - 30.9 MB

Jeff Barnes is a US Navy Veteran, and former Risk Manager for a Fortune 100 company. Jeff is currently the CEO of Self Directed Company, a financial and retirement education and consulting firm. His mission is to create a generation of financially independent individuals empowered to live a purpose-fulfilled life. He is an author, speaker, coach, and consultant. As a corporate risk manager at a Global Fortune 100 firm, Jeff was called upon to drive technological and strategic change within ...

SS 85 - Charlie Munger, The Complete Investor with Tren Griffin

November 28, 2015 01:58 - 30 minutes - 27.5 MB

Tren Griffin is a Senior Director at Microsoft, doing strategy, competitive analysis and business development, with a focus on software platforms and business models. He creates and helps execute "go to market" plans, working closely with the engineering and marketing teams. Before that, he was a partner at Eagle River, a private equity firm controlled by Craig McCaw with investments in software, communications and other technology industries including Nextel, Nextel Partners and many start-...

SS 84 - The August Forecast - Technocracy Rising, The Trojan Horse Of Global Transformation with Patrick M Wood

November 20, 2015 09:00 - 28 minutes - 26.4 MB

Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton. Wood remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed “New International Econo...

SS 83 - Fashion Industry and Faith with Tyron Barrington

November 14, 2015 06:40 - 20 minutes - 18.3 MB

Tyron Barrington is author of "The Lord is My Agent...And, He ONLY Takes 10%" and is a former top model agent who has worked with some of the world’s leading stars in fashion and entertainment, including MATTHEW FOX of ABC TV series “LOST”, TYSON BECKFORD, KIMORA LEE SIMMONS, CARRIE OTIS, NICOLE MURPHY, ASHLEY GREENE, LAUREN CONRAD, DJ TONY (Ellen De Generes show), and has been featured on news programs such as ABC “NIGHTLINE”. He has negotiated multiple contracts for clients such as DOLCE ...

SS 82 - Rebooting Your Retirement and Becoming an Active Money Manager with Dennis Miller

July 01, 2015 14:43 - 35 minutes - 24.6 MB

Dennis Miller is the author of Retirement Reboot and talks to Jason on his research on retirees and investing. Dennis surveyed Casey Research readers about what they thought the real inflation number was and over 3,000 people responded to the survey. Jason and Dennis both agree that there's no such thing as 'sit it and forget it' investments and you must become an active money manager in order to survive the coming years.    Key Takeaways: [1:40] Many people are approaching their golden y...

SS 81 - Paying Off the National Debt with Your 401k with Dr. Jerome Corsi

June 24, 2015 19:12 - 36 minutes - 25.4 MB

Dr. Jerome Corsi is a Senior Staff Reporter for World Net Daily where he works as an investigative reporter. Jerome is also a New York Times bestseller of the book entitled Unfit for Command. Jason and Jerome have a quick conversation about the national debt and how Obama plans to pay for it by using citizen's 401k  and IRAs. Jason then interviews Phil from Dallas and answers some of his real estate investment questions.    Key Takeaways: [4:30] What are Jerome's thoughts on the potential...

SS 80 - Accept Your Weaknesses and Prosper with God with Dr. Pete Sulack

June 17, 2015 19:44 - 16 minutes - 13.5 MB

Dr. Pete Sulack is the founder and majority owner of one of the largest clinics in North America, Exodus Chiropractic International. His office has seen more than 1,000,000 patient visits over the last 13 years. Pete is also an UN ambassador and the author of The Joseph Blessing: Change the World with Your God-Given Dream. Pete talks to Jason on embracing your weaknesses, having faith in God, and overcoming anxiety.    Key Takeaways: [1:55] Pete is an ambassador for the UN and explains wh...

SS 79 - The Big Hedge Fund Scam with James Altucher

June 10, 2015 23:11 - 39 minutes - 26.9 MB

After James Altucher lost millions in the stock market, he decided to learn everything he could about trading and the Wall Street industry. He became a professional trader and then left the business for good after he realized it was 'all a big scam'. James shares some of his personal stories as a fund manager, what he does for investing today, and much more on today's episode.    Key Takeaways: [4:35] James shares a bit of his life story.  [6:35] Wall Street is a scam and only three type...

SS 78 - There are No Shortcuts to Mastery with Robert Greene

June 03, 2015 21:53 - 33 minutes - 23.1 MB

Introduction: Jason welcomes Robert Greene to the show to talk on the subject of mastery and how to obtain it. Robert Greene is the author of the New York Times bestseller The 48 Laws of Power. He has written many books including The Art of Seduction, The 50th Law, and his latest book, Mastery. Jason and Robert discuss manipulation, seduction, and how the rapper 50 Cent is a true rag to riches story.    Key Takeaways: [4:45] What is Mastery? It's the ultimate form of power.  [7:00] Robe...

SS 77 - Common Seminar Scams To Watch Out For with Tom Antion

May 29, 2015 18:17 - 39 minutes - 27 MB

Tom Antion talks to Jason on some of the common seminar scams out there. He talks about the mentality of a sociopath and how they do not have a conscience. The bad apples that run these seminars are more intelligent than the average person and they know the exact tactics, like increasing your credit card limit, to rob you of all your money and get you in debt.    Key Takeaways: [1:50] We need to use God's power and wisdom to protect ourselves from people trying to deceive us. [6:10] Unde...

SS 76 - Understanding The Derivative Market with Scott Shellady of the Trean Group

May 20, 2015 20:18 - 30 minutes - 21.1 MB

Scott Shellady is the Senior Vice President of Derivatives for the Trean Group. Scott explains to the audience what a derivative is and why it can benefit you in today's market. He also talks to Jason on his SWAGER acronym, the retirement funds of both Baby Boomers and Gen Xers, the one precenters investing in the stock market, and much more on today's episode.    Key Takeaways: [2:15] When you teach a tenant to be an owner, it will ease your burden of managing them.  [4:50] What is a de...

SS 75 - Ten Commandments To Live By for Real Estate Investors

May 04, 2015 19:13 - 46 minutes - 31.7 MB

Today's lesson is on having a strong philosophy when it comes to investing. Jason explains his ten commandments in front of a live audience. He talks about the importance of not being a sucker, having a strong reality check, remembering there's no such thing as easy money, and much more on today's show.    Key Takeaways: 5:15 – Commandment number three, thou shalt maintain control. Be a direct investor.  11:04 – Do you save for a rainy day? How does that work in an inflationary environme...

SS 74 - The Will Power Instinct with Dr. Kelly McGonigal

April 25, 2015 20:48 - 26 minutes - 18.3 MB

Dr. Kelly McGonigal is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford university. Kelly is the author of The Will Power Instinct and on the show, she shares helpful insight on how people can strengthen their will power. Kelly also talks to Jason about addiction, stress, and escapism on today's episode.    Key Takeaways: 2:10 – Today's lesson is about will power.  5:00 – Will power can be trained.  13:35 – People who believe stress isn't harmful had the lowest mortality rates.  18:35 – ...

SS 73 - Benjamin Ginsberg of John Hopkins University shares his views

April 15, 2015 16:32 - 30 minutes - 27.7 MB

Ginsberg discusses the bloated administrations of colleges and universities, how athletic programs are self serving, junk food eating, sport-watching programs and how tenure helps keep things balanced. He also talks on how the U.S. has taken on the attributes of a third world country and believes that Americans should be more cynical.   Key Takeaways: [1:00] Lesson - Higher Education [4:19] Introductions [4:45] Are Senators and Congress responsible for Global Warming?: [5:25] A look at...

SS 72 - Important Leadership TouchPoints with Doug Conant

April 09, 2015 19:54 - 30 minutes - 21.1 MB

Jason Hartman invites Doug Conant, the author of TouchPoints, to the Solomon Success show. Doug served as a CEO and President of the Campbell Soup Company for 10 years and has a lot of interesting insight on how you can be a better leader for your team. Today's lesson is about effective leadership or servant leadership as referred in the Bible. Join us today as we learn about the effective tactics of building a closer and more authentic relationship with your employees.    Key Takeaways: ...

SS 71 - The Demographic Cliff with Harry Dent

April 02, 2015 20:34 - 34 minutes - 23.7 MB

For today's Solomon Success lesson, we talk about economic cycles and how it affects our wealth. Jason brings on Harry Dent, a three time guest, to talk about some of the tell-tell signs that an economic disaster is about to hit. Harry Dent talks about demographic patterns, China's ghost cities, Japan's debt problem and aging population, and much more on today's Solomon Success show.    Key Takeaways: 1:00 – Today's lesson is about economic cycles.  5:20 – Every bubble has taken us highe...


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