Jason Hartman talks with Scott Shay, co-found of Signature Bank and author of In Good Faith: Questioning Religion and Atheism, about the dangers of our society becoming more cash averse, the degradation of ethics and character, and how we can reverse the course our nation is still on that idolizes money and power.

Key Takeaways:

[1:53] Even after everything we went through in the Great Recession, the banking industry is more consolidated now than it's ever been

[4:43] 60% of bank mergers result in a destruction of bank value

[8:53] The history and purpose of Glass-Steagall

[11:39] Our society is becoming more and more cash averse; what does this mean for us moving forward?

[14:52] There's a degradation of ethics and character today

[19:33] How do we fix our current idolatry of money and power?

[24:08] How Adam Smith and Chapter 19 of Leviticus are similar

