In the first year of my cleaning business, we were struggling big time! Every house was a chore and every dollar was spent before I even earned it. I'll never forget the house at Lake George. It taught me so much. 

Keep your dream big and keep it alive. Every struggle seems worth it when your dream is big. Every nasty house you clean after Lake George is worth it. A leader in the Amway business named Larry Winters said this. "If your dream is big enough, the facts don't count."Not everyone is trustworthy, no matter what they look like. Michael was an attorney from NYC with a lot of money. He had prestige, a beautiful house, but he didn't pay me for 3 months after constant pestering. He didn't think highly of me as I was just some lowly house cleaner. Michael was creating negative ripples.

This happened in 2006. We had $170,000 in debt and earned less than $20,000 that year. My wife was home with our first son and we lived in a rented house in an unsafe part of town. That lake house built a dream for me and sustained me through some difficult years. As I record this podcast, we are literally paying off the final debt payment and will be 100% debt-free for the first time in our adult lives. We still live in a rented house, but it's safe. We live in a 2,300 square foot farm house on 2 acres with a large creek in the back. We love it. We are beginning the wealth building process and who knows... maybe we'll have our own lake house in a few years.

What is your Lake George house that built your dream for a prosperous future? Keep this story in mind as you work through your struggles. No matter how hard it gets... Remember Lake George and it will get you through it.