I've been looking forward to doing this sales pitch episode for WHY you need to start a solo cleaning company. I have no idea where you are right now as you listen to this episode of the Smart Cleaning School.
 You may be sucking wind in your current solo cleaning business and not feeling like this business is fun or exciting. You're feeling overwhelmed, underappreciated, underpaid, and close to quitting. You're working everyday and have nothing to show for it except high-drama clients, stress, and an achy body! You physically can't do it all and you're either afraid of hiring or you absolutely don't want to. Listen closely. I'm speaking to YOU.

You may be working a full-time job and need some extra money badly and you don't want a second job. You desperately want to have your own business and earn your way out of the rat race. But then, you hear how I just talked to the first group of solo cleaners and you're doubting whether you could actually make it work? Could I succeed in my own cleaning company? Do I go for it? I know this... I can't stay at this job the rest of my life. I want freedom. I'm speaking to YOU.

You may be in the Valley of Despair with a cleaning business creating between $250,000 and $400,000. You have a team, but you're completely swamped with admin, systems, hiring, customer issues, scheduling, you never get time to yourself, your business is a nightmare. To make it even worse, you have nothing to show for it. You want to quit and stop the bleeding. I'm speaking to YOU.

These 3 scenarios describes SO many of you out there. Honestly, if you're beyond these issues, you're probably not listening to this podcast! And I'm totally okay with that. I want to serve and have everyone experience the freedom that comes with a properly run cleaning company.

There are 2 solutions to each of these inflection points. You can either go big the right way and earn your freedom. Check out the Interview, "CBF Success Stories with Debbie Sardone and Friends". Or, you can stay small and solo and absolutely crush it with $50,000 to $100,000 annual profit cleaning a few days per week without employees or subs or drama. It's called the ISO Model for the Optimized Solo Cleaner. I've already made my sales pitch to residential cleaners that want to scale to 7 figures in previous episodes. Now it's my turn to make my pitch to start solo, get the ISO Model as your playbook, and stay a solo for the coming season of life.

I'm ready. The pitcher takes the mound. That's me. I'm ready to toss a series of sales pitches to each scenario of listener WHY you need to become an Optimized Solo Cleaner. First of all, I need to sell you on cleaning. Did you know that cleaning is one of the fastest growing industries right now. Check out "The Cleaning Industry is Exploding". More than 50,000 new cleaning businesses are starting each year in America alone. Cleaning was made essential during the pandemic and was in the forefront of reshaping the country. Cleaning used to be in the background, unglamorous, and unnoticed. Now, it's on many investors and side-hustlers minds as a great business to start. There are 12 "Pros of Solo Cleaning I & II" I shared in the first 2 episodes. Today I have one more pitch to add to these 12 to get you off your butt, get the ISO Model Course and optimize your solo cleaning business!

Read the rest of this article at the Smart Cleanin