Previous Episode: Hindsight is Always 20/20
Next Episode: 20,000 Opportunities

"Hi, I'm Ken and I'm an overthinker." I constantly make simple things complex. That's what an overthinker does. We complicate the most simple task to the point that we cannot take any action to complete it. Another term for this failure disease is procrastination as Dr. Schwartz talks about in "The Magic of Thinking Big". The rare person that can take the complex, make is simple, and take massive action are the most successful in life. Our president, like him or not, is a great example of this. Unfortunately, I'm an overthinker and so are most of you!

Recently, I did new member to the Solo Cleaning School Elite On-Boarding Call a few weeks ago with Carrie Miyazono. She is a super bright and coachable young lady. Carrie just earned her black belt in Tae Kwon Doe, instructs at my friend Ken Hoop's Martial Arts School, and works nights to pay the bills. She is a warriorette. Ken recommended her to my podcast and she is literally the first that I know about that listened to every episode from the beginning to now and she's going through a second time. She has an advantage over other solo cleaners starting out. She has a niche, which is cleaning martial arts schools. And she has a school owner, Ken Hoops, that will refer her to other schools. Carrie had a few questions as she got started. She is a classic overthinker and was building her business in her mind verses taking action. She was already cleaning for Ken, but stifled on how to grow her business. That's where I come in as her new coach. I layed out a super simple strategy to break through the overthinking. In other words, I stopped her from making the simple complex and helped her see how the complex can be simple. Here was my advice. It is viable for many of you listening.

Do an amazing job for Ken and make him so thankful he selected you to clean his martial arts school.Ask Ken for permission to take before & aftre pictures of the work you do. Put these on your free Facebook business page and Google My Business listing.Continue impressing Ken, show him the pictures, get feedback. Then ask him for a recommendation letter and introductions to a few other school owners in the area. Get the recommendation letter text in a Google and Facebook review for your online profiles with Ken's help.Connect with these school owners. They will NOT be cold calls as they all know and think highly of Ken Hoops. Trust me. If you knew Ken Hoops, you would too. And if you're in the Chanhassen, MN area or have interest in confidence training for your kids, check out his school! Let these school owners know you clean currently clean for Ken, link them to your recommendation letter and online profiles. Start a mailing list newsletter and place these school owners on the list, so they get updates from you and your business with practical gym cleaning tips every 2-4 weeks. This keeps you top of mind. 

I assured Carrie that she WILL get business from this process. This gave her so much energy as she realized how complicated she had made things. Then I asked her how much money she needed to quit her overnight job. I took that number and showed her how just 2 new martial arts schools would replace that income so she could be a part-time solo cleaner and martial arts instructor. Carrie was so pumped up. If you relate to this advice, there are a few options. You can certainly reach out to me. I have a link on my website for listeners to ask me coaching questions. The other option is to take the plunge like Carrie did and join the Solo Cleaning School Elite Membership for $50 per month, so you can access my coaching and full ISO Model Training Course for solo cleaners! I hope to see you there!