Previous Episode: Know Your Numbers
Next Episode: Make Pearls

I begin this episode with a real estate investing story from my brilliant cousin Seth. He is not a big time cash buyer in the real estate world. Every time he tries to compete on their level and get to the houses at the pre-foreclosure or auction stage, he is beaten because he cannot compete with cash. Seth had to find another way. Make sure to listen to this podcast to see the shear brilliance of Seth's advantage and how he is buying properties in his area.

From this story, I pivot to solo cleaning company owners and the hidden advantage they have and how they could find opportunities right now in the middle of this COVID-19 storm. There are three main ideas I share:

Commercial cleaning is not affected because buildings are empty and they need to be deep cleaned and disinfected. Residential is down big time. Go and find empty buildings to clean for income now. Not only will you earn money now and help protect your community, but they will remember you and possibly hire you for recurring services later on. Adding commercial clients will offer more long-term stability to your solo cleaning business.Study the science of disinfecting or pay attention to the upcoming podcasts on the Solo Cleaning School. Once you are confident, educate your community for free. Share this information with your target client groups. You will help them now and who do you think they'll call for house cleaning after this is all over?!Use this time to fix or establish your business systems and finances to prepare for the coming growth from your first two ideas.

This is an huge opportunity to get ahead, while so many are panicking.