It's been a while since I gave a full update on my own cleaning company. This episode covers a few weeks, but has some great lessons. Here you go!

Our Annual Honeymoon Retreat to Glasbern was cancelled last year due to Covid, but not again this year. It's amazing to get 5 days alone with my bride to reconnect, veg out, take long walks, eat loads of food, play games, watch movies, take long baths, and discuss many important topics. In fact, we came to our retreat with 21 important topics to cover in our family and business and covered every single one over 5 days! The biggest breakthrough during our trip was watching Hal Elrod's movie, the Miracle Morning. We were so INSPIRED that we got to work right away on our Life-SAVERS. I won't teach what this acronym is. Go watch the movie and read the book! I will say this. I have been struggling in the mornings with snooze buttons, coffee, lack of exercise, lack of time, lack of energy. I've done morning routines for years, but started slipping. This movie fired us up and I got right to work, while still on our retreat. The habit continued after the retreat as we implemented the first batch of to-do's from our 21 conversations. I am feeling more energy, less need for coffee, feel better about myself, closer to God, and have a renewed excitement for my goals.

Oh, I shouldn't have said that. Enter my friend and mentor, Vincent Pugliese of Total Life Freedom. At the peak of my excitement, Vincent asked me a question. But before I share this question, let me share the last one he asked me. In October 2017, I was fully optimized in my first solo cleaning business. I was looking at the potential of working 4 days in New York, then taking 10 days off every other week. We could possibly move back home to the Philly Area and I could commute to New York every other week for 4 days. It sounded good on paper. "Ken, why would you do that?" I answered. "We want to go back home. We miss our family." He replied. "Then make the decision to sell your business and move. Figure it out. The mastermind will help you." This scared me and excited me at the same time. I was mad at him and appreciate all at the same time. I called Teresa after the Question. She was excited at the prospect. We prayed hard over this and ultimately made the decision to sell our company and go home. I just needed the push out of my comfort zone. You know the rest of this story from my double podcast on "How I Sold My Cleaning Business I & II". We set the vision to be home with our family and raise our kids around their cousins. I would finally get to spend quality time with my Nana & Pop-Pop, who helped raise me and were in their 80's. We set the goal and we made it SMART with a deadline of June 30, 2018. That's when our lease ran out. We hit our goal. We sold our company and moved back to Philly. We had 2 glorious years to enjoy quality time with my Nana & Pop-Pop before they both passed in 2020. Thank God we chose to come back home! This was one of the best decisions of our life, yet also one of the hardest. It was so worth it.

Read the rest of this article at the Smart Cleaning School website