Previous Episode: The CARES Act

Over my 15 years of professional cleaning for home & small business owners, I have seen that 90% of people DO NOT disinfect correctly. They fall prey to one of the "9 Mistakes in Disinfecting". This episode summarizes these 9 mistakes. 

#1 Mistake! Not fully cleaning surface first!

#2 Mistake! Not selecting a registered disinfectant!

#3 Mistake! Not selecting the right disinfectant for the right pathogen!

#4 Mistake! Not following the directions on the label! Dilute correctly and wet surface long enough!

#5 Mistake! Not using chemical correctly. Bleach MUST be remade every day!

#6 Mistake! Cross contamination from rag or not wearing gloves!

#7 Mistake! Wrong pH for surface and damaging it!  

#8 Mistake! Never mix chemicals. It could kill you!

#9 Mistake! Not fully cleaning surface after disinfecting!

I created a 5-part free video course "How to Disinfect Properly" for my cleaning clients & local community to help them during this COVID-19 crisis. If you would like to get more details into each of these 9 mistakes, click here to access your FREE course!