Today on Sojourner Truth with Margaret Prescod:

What Trump and other white supremacists have wrought: the killing of 11 Jewish people in the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh on the Sabbath, Saturday Oct. 27, 2018. And the injuring of six others by a gunman who repeated the phrase "Jews must die." In addition to his blatant anti-Semitism, he was also inspired by Trump's attack on the caravan of migrants now in Mexico on their way to seek asylum at the U.S. border. The Tree of Life was home to Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), a program that assisted the resettlement of immigrants and migrants. He objected to the resettlement program on a white supremacist/Nazi social media outlet, saying it's "the filthy evil Jews bringing the filthy evil Muslims into the country."

And two days prior to the domestic terror attack in Pittsburgh, another domestic terror attack happened against Black people in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, where the shooter after having failed to gain entry to a Black church, shot and killed two Black people. He reportedly said to a witness, "white people don't shoot white people."

Our guests are Rabbi Michael Pollack and Nijmie Dzurinko, a co-chair of the Pennsylvania Poor Peoples Campaign, a National Call for Moral Revival.

And Brazil has a new president to the right of Donald Trump. Here to break down what's going on in Brazil and the implications of the election, we are joined by Alex main, a Latin America expert and Director of International Policy at the D.C.-based Center for Economic and Policy Research.