Tune in to hear tips from Julian Junemann on how to use data to structure your social media strategy.

Julian is the founder of: https://measureschool.com/

Learn from his free courses here: https://measureschool.com/products/

If there’s one thing that every entrepreneur knows, it’s that if you are going to put in the work, you need to know what’s working for you. This is especially important if you are a solopreneur because your time is limited so you need to know that you’re spending your time on things that work.

One of the best things about social media marketing is that you can measure almost everything about it. While this is fantastic for us data nerds, it can cause a bit of a dilemma for solopreneurs who are just looking for the data they can turn into actionable results.

You don’t want to end up measuring the wrong things and prioritizing metrics that don’t contribute to your business growth.

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