Laura Belgray is the founder of Talking Shrimp:

When it comes to growing an audience and driving consistent traffic to your website, there’s nothing quite as useful as a big ol’ email list.

No matter how big your email list grows, though, it won’t do you any good unless you know what to actually send people.

So what are the ingredients of an email newsletter that your audience can’t resist opening? What can you send people that’ll make them click week after week?

Tune in to find out from Laura who has used her newsletter and social media presence not only to grow her course sales and client work, but to harness a book deal too.

The biggest thing to remember when you’re fine-tuning your newsletter?

There’s no one perfect way of doing it.

Sure, there are lots of things like these that you should seriously consider including – but that doesn’t mean there’s a perfect template out there that everyone should use!

Experiment with what you offer your readers on a regular basis. Try new things, and see which ones resonate with them – and which ones don’t. The more you can tailor your emails to your audience, the better they’ll respond!

Your Turn!

Share you biggest take aways and tag @meetedgar on Twitter or Instagram.


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