Pinterest is one of the best platforms for driving consistent traffic to your blog, especially if you have an (evergreen content strategy). Pinterest is not just another social media platform. It acts more like a search engine, which means people on Pinterest are actively looking for content and you’re missing out on potential website traffic, followers and customers by not putting your content on Pinterest. There are (over 2 billion searches) on Pinterest every month. That is a lot of opportunities for your Pins to show up in a search and drive traffic back to your website! So how can you get a piece of that Pinterest pie?
Tune in to find out and connect further with Laura here:

Your Turn!
Share you biggest take aways and tag @meetedgar on Twitter or Instagram.
And speaking of email, if you want to keep up to date on the latest episodes of Social Post, and other marketing tips, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter:

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Pinterest is one of the best platforms for driving consistent traffic to your blog, especially if you have an evergreen content strategy. Pinterest is not just another social media platform. It acts more like a search engine, which means people on Pinterest are actively looking for content and you’re missing out on potential website traffic, followers and customers by not putting your content on Pinterest. There are over 2 billion searches on Pinterest every month. That is a lot of opportunities for your Pins to show up in a search and drive traffic back to your website! So how can you get a piece of that Pinterest pie?

Tune in to find out and connect further with Laura here:

Your Turn!

Share you biggest take aways and tag @meetedgar on Twitter or Instagram.


And speaking of email, if you want to keep up to date on the latest episodes of Social Post, and other marketing tips, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter:

If you enjoyed today's episode, please:

Post a screenshot & key takeaway on your IG story and tag @meetedgar

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