How You Can Tell If Your Blog Is Actually Working? Ryan Robinson of gets more than 4 million views on his blog and is here to share his strategy! 

Optimizing your blog’s performance doesn’t end here. Monitoring stats like your bounce rate, for example, can help you identify even more places with room for improvement.

Blogging has evolved over the years.

At first, you just needed to have a blog. It really didn’t matter if your blogs were poorly written or functioned only to cram as many keywords in it as possible.

Then, you needed to have a quality blog. Search engines began to focus more on high quality, valuable posts over keyword stuffing. So content creators had to refocus on writing content that would be of value to their audience.

Today, you still need to be writing high-quality blogs that are valuable to your audience. However, you also need to write blogs that are socially shareable.

Today, part of writing a successful blog means your blog needs to succeed on social media. And, we don’t mean deciding that your blog strategy is to “go viral.” This means optimizing your blog post so that it stands out in social feeds, entices your followers to read more and is so engaging that readers want to click share after they’ve read it!

If you want to make your blog posts share-worthy, make sure to tune in. for Ryan's blogging tips! 

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