Social Media Zoom Factor with Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |Business | Entrepreneur | Small Business | Digital Marketing | Content Marketing | Marketing | Influencer artwork

Social Media Zoom Factor with Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |Business | Entrepreneur | Small Business | Digital Marketing | Content Marketing | Marketing | Influencer

294 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 3 years ago - ★★★★★ - 240 ratings

SocialZoomFactor is a podcast created for you, the business and marketing leader in startups to enterprise organizations. If you want to learn how to integrate social media, content marketing, experiential branding, digital marketing and the latest technology to zoom results in business and life you won't be disappointed in the energy and information Pam Moore delivers 5 days a week. Each episode brings you actionable tactics and strategies you can implement today for real business results. Pam is CEO / founder Marketing Nutz and ranked as Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer by Forbes.

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094: SuperBowl Social Media Marketing Tips for Brands Big and Small

January 30, 2015 19:39 - 16 minutes - 7.84 MB

The SuperBowl is right around the corner and presents tremendous opportunity for brands to jump into the spotlight. Of course, the big brands are spending millions of dollars to get their short lived moments of fame with the hope of making a lasting impression, earning loyal brand evangelists and inspiring people to talk about them, share their message and become a viral hit sensation. NBC is seeking $4.4 million to $4.5 million per second! The good news is that you don't have to be a huge ...

093: Why I don't Care About Blog Comments or Live on Google Plus 24/7

January 27, 2015 19:35 - 19 minutes - 9.16 MB

There is only one way to do social media, create content, setup a blog, measure results and build your business. The only way is what works for you, your customers, your audience, your community and your business!   One of the worst traps many business leaders and marketers fall in when diving into digital and online marketing is following the advice of others when they shouldn't be.   It's easy to find a blog post with a step by step guide for how to blog, build community, establish tho...

092: Visual Content Marketing in a Nutshell - Power of Brand Storytelling with Visuals

January 26, 2015 19:49 - 17 minutes - 8.08 MB

Are you tapping into the power of visual content marketing to tell your brand story? Visual marketing empowers brands and the people within them to share their business and personal stories and lives real-time. No longer is it required to have a full time, dedicated design team on staff to serve up a good healthy dose of visual content marketing for your audiences and clients to devour! Now even small marketing teams can easily take photos with an iPhone or other smart phone, mobile device ...

091: 10 Social Media Tips for Franchises to Zoom Business Results

January 22, 2015 07:19 - 26 minutes - 12.4 MB

Many franchise organizations shy away from implementing social media, new media and the latest digital and web technologies due to fear and lack of ability to roll out such big marketing and media changes to their franchisees from the corporate organization. Often time the franchisor fears that adopting social media and new technologies will put the brand at risk. They are afraid of brand inconsistency, negative interaction with audiences and the list goes on. The truth is that regardless ...

090: Build an Online Digital Social Platform that Works When You're Not Working

January 15, 2015 17:15 - 34 minutes - 15.8 MB

When it comes to digital marketing and social media too many people throw spaghetti technology at the internet walls and then wonder why nothing sticks, why they have zero revenue and are working 24 hours a day. We all have the same 24 hours in the day. Wishing you had more time to do what you need to do is not a strategy for success in life or business. Finding a path that enables you to live the life you dream and get your business on the path to massive success doesn't happen over night....

089: Social TV: Is Ignoring Customers on Social Media a Strategy? CBS Case Study

January 13, 2015 15:13 - 25 minutes - 11.6 MB

Social media has given consumers, viewers, partners and stakeholders a new platform to speak their mind. Brands can no longer hide behind the brick walls of buildings, public relationship companies or administrative assistants screening calls. There is likely a conversation happening in the honor of you and your brand right now, regardless if you have chosen to be part of the conversation. What should a brand do when crisis hits? What should they do when the Twitter and Facebook storm gets...

088: Social Media Community Managers - 12 Success Tips and Strategies

January 09, 2015 17:21 - 34 minutes - 16.1 MB

At the foundation of social media is people. Social media is about people communicating, sharing, engaging, laughing, crying, and living life together online. It's about relationships, meeting new people, finding old friends, and fostering relationships that help you zoom your business and life. Understanding how to nurture relationships, and most importantly bring people together so they can be part of something bigger than themselves is where the real power of social media comes in! Many...

087: Why Should Anyone Care Your Brand Exists on the Social Web?

January 08, 2015 05:00 - 15 minutes - 7.18 MB

As more and more brands jump on the social networks there is no shortage of tweets to read, podcasts to listen to, blog posts to learn from, videos to watch or people to talk to! What's even worse is as the competition for eyeballs, ears and hearts is increasing across the social web, even the biggest and most popular social networks such as Facebook are moving even further into a pay to pay model. The days of free organic reach with little investment in content and community are quickly co...

086: Embrace Imperfect Perfection for Social Media Business Success

January 07, 2015 17:00 - 25 minutes - 11.7 MB

When is the last time you met a perfect person? Do you have a perfect friend? How about a perfect client?  How about a perfect product? Do you know of a perfect brand? The truth is you can never be perfect. Humans are not perfect. Each one of us makes mistakes. We each have a unique wackiness about us. It's our quirks, scratches and bumps that make us human and that help us connect with one another in simple, meaningful and memorable ways. Brand can never be perfect because they are made u...

085: Leave Social Media Doggy Paddle in the Dust in 2015!

January 06, 2015 05:18 - 22 minutes - 10.6 MB

Do you ever feel like you want to jump in the fast lane of business and life but something is holding you back? Does it feel like you are stuck in the slow lane doing the doggy paddle? Many business leaders and marketers deep down inside are afraid of success. Because of fear they often stick to status quo as they are more comfortable there. They are afraid to put themselves out there so stick with a nice, slower pace of "doggy paddle." Unfortunately the doggy paddle is not going to help y...

084: 10 Content Marketing Holiday Survival Tips

December 23, 2014 18:21 - 17 minutes - 8.04 MB

Are you feeling overwhelmed with keeping your social presence, online brand, and content marketing rockin' over the holiday season? Do you want to take some time off, enjoy time with family and friends and seriously unplug but are afraid to do such because you don't want to lose touch with your audience and online communities? It's important for all of us to take time to disconnect from technology and connect with real humans in real life who are usually the reasons we are doing all the tec...

083: 15 things Smart Marketers Never do on Facebook

December 16, 2014 06:08 - 31 minutes - 14.5 MB

It's no surprise that Facebook is still one of the hottest social networks around. Check out these statistics published by Facebook as of September 2014. 864 million daily active users on average  703 million mobile daily active users on average  1.35 billion monthly active users  1.12 billion mobile monthly active users  As with anything in life or business, when there is opportunity for goodness, there is also much opportunity for risk and even damage to your brand and business. Face...

082: Your Child's Online Reputation is In Your Social Media Hands!

December 12, 2014 07:50 - 24 minutes - 11.4 MB

We have all seen them…the videos, photos and social network status updates by frustrated parents. The story goes something like this: 1. The kid does something wrong. 2.Parent implements a consequence such as grounding, taking away car etc. 3. Parent vents on Facebook or Twitter. 4.Child vents on Facebook, Twitter, text and who knows where else! 5. Parent takes photo of messy room, wrecked car or mad teen. 6. Parent posts photo and/or another frustrated status update to Facebook. 7. ...

081: Stop Being Impatient for Social Media, Business and Life Results!

December 10, 2014 15:45 - 19 minutes - 8.79 MB

Patience is one of those words that many business and marketing leaders struggle with. It's natural to want results and to want them right now at this very moment. As humans we tend to want what we want when we want it, right? However, as time pertains to both business and life it is always good to be patient. You know the saying... "good things come to those who wait." But does it? Do we really need to wait? I think that is the greatest misnomer about patience, is that you have to wait. T...

080: Increase Content Marketing ROI By Leveraging Content You Already Have!

December 08, 2014 17:51 - 23 minutes - 11 MB

Is your content and social media digital platform ready for 2015? Is your content ready to inspire, connect with and help your audience achieve their goals? Is the lack of compelling, relevant content keeping you up at night? If yes, I have some tips for you to help you get your content marketing in tip top shape before the new year!  One of the keys to success in content marketing is creating evergreen content that has a life span longer than a day or a couple weeks. If you are like most m...

079: Twitter Chats and Tweet Chats in a Nutshell

December 05, 2014 14:56 - 29 minutes - 13.4 MB

You’ve heard the words… Tweet Chats, #TweetChats, Hashtags, or even hashbrowns as one of my clients first called them.  You see the early notification tweets: “Peeps – high tweet warning, for the next hour, headed into a tweet chat.” For those who aren’t engaged in the tweet chat or don’t understand them, a tweet chat may seem like a bunch of noise. You are half right and half almost right. Yes, there may be some associated “noisy tweeting.” However, tweet chats can offer great benefit for ...

078: Social Media Hashtags in a NutShell

December 04, 2014 19:08 - 21 minutes - 9.71 MB

What is a hashtag you see on almost evey social media network? From Instagram, Facebook, Twitter to Google plus, hashtags are everywhere! How do you make sense of them? How do you know how many to use? When should you use them? Hashtag, hash brown.... they sound somewhat the same. I've even had a few clients confuse the two just for fun. Explaining the difference between a hashtag and hash brown is one of my favorite questions to answer. Often times, the people who have the guts to ask are...

077: Content Marketing Editorial Calendar Template Tutorial 2015

November 24, 2014 06:12 - 32 minutes - 14.9 MB

Content marketing is not just a fancy buzzword or a shiny object invented via Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook. Smart marketers and successful brands have learned that they are the media and that thinking and working like a publisher helps them inspire and connect with their audiences, customers and stakeholders in ways they could never do with traditional, "throw the social content spaghetti at the wall and hope it sticks" style of marketing. Content marketing is at the foundation of every bu...

076: Why I Turned Down a $1500 Influencer Marketing Gig

November 19, 2014 17:18 - 21 minutes - 9.87 MB

What do you and your brand stand for? What are your morals? What ethics are you building your business and life upon? How solid of foundation are you standing on? When if ever will you trade in your ethics, integrity and morals for a few bucks? I was recently approached by the agency of a very large technology brand inviting me to help them out with an online influencer program. The brand offered to pay me $1,500 to help them promote a campaign for a few short weeks. The campaign intertwi...

075: 20+ Tips Rock Cyber Monday and Holiday Online Sales with Social Media Marketing

November 18, 2014 19:24 - 38 minutes - 17.6 MB

Cyber Monday and online holiday ecommerce sales.… either you are ready or you’re not!  Many business and marketing leaders miss out on tapping into the power of these online shopping holidays to increase sales, brand awareness and most importantly connect with their audience. Too many times they think it's just for the big online and offline retailers. The truth is even small businesses can join the Cyber Monday and online holiday sales to drive business results. You don't have to be Wal-Ma...

074: Stop Stupid Social Media Marketing: Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

November 10, 2014 22:14 - 13 minutes - 6.29 MB

Why is it so many marketers are looking for the easy button? Why do they think they can jump on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and throw hundreds of thousands of dollars at Facebook ads and be successful? Failing to take time to plan is planning to fail when it comes to social media, business and marketing. Many marketers and business leaders are unfortunately spending loads of time and money on the tactics of social media, influencer marketing, content marketing, and the list goes on with n...

073: 5 Top Visual Marketing Tools for Content Marketing & Social Branding

October 31, 2014 17:41 - 19 minutes - 8.86 MB

A picture can speak a thousand words! Visual marketing is not just the latest marketing or social media buzzword. Visual marketing is a form of content marketing and branding that enables you to communicate with, inspire and connect with your audience in very memorable, inspiring and compelling ways.  Did you know that the human brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than the time it takes for the brain to decode text?  Visual marketing can help you better tell stories, emo...

072: Every Brand Touch Matters: Hotel Case Study Athens Greece

October 30, 2014 17:43 - 27 minutes - 13.5 MB

Every brand touch and impression you have on a client, audience, partner or potential customer matters. There is not one touch or one experience that matters more than another. It takes on average a minimum of 6-7 brand touches before someone will remember your brand. You only have one chance to make a first, second and third impression. A brand can be delivering 95% positive, memorable and delightful brand experiences. However, if even one touch is negative it could be destructing brand e...

071: 10 Tips to Smile Virtually Using Social Media - Delta Airlines Case Study

October 29, 2014 16:39 - 29 minutes - 13.7 MB

Real results can be achieved using social media only when you know how to inspire and connect with your audience. Earning brand loyalty requires both art and science.  The power of a smile can be life changing. Have you ever had one of those moments where a smile on someone's face simply brightened your day? Where an unexpected simple smile reminded you there are still good people in this world? A smile can warm a heart. It can help shed a tear. It can make a cloudy day feel sunny. In bus...

070: Why CEO Must Put Skin In Game for Employee Brand Advocacy Programs

October 23, 2014 22:23 - 22 minutes - 10.2 MB

Have you tried implementing an employee brand advocacy program only to find you are constantly hitting internal business road blocks? Do you struggle with getting the buy-in from key stakeholders? Do you feel like you are herding cats getting even your pilot program off the ground? A successful employee advocacy program requires more than a fancy slide deck, and lip service approval from the c-suite. If you want real results everyone from the CEO and c-suite, executive directors to employ...

069: Surprise and Delight Customers to Earn Loyalty - Delta Airlines Case Study

October 22, 2014 15:51 - 29 minutes - 13.5 MB

What human being doesn't love a delightful surprise? An unexpected and positive brand experience can create memories that last a lifetime. It's not the status quo of life and business that we remember and want to shout from a mountain top and tell our friends and colleagues about it.   Why is it so many brands focus only on status quo? I really do wish more brands would choose to delight me and give me something more than what I expect and what all of their competitors deliver.  Brand lea...

068: 10 Reasons Employees are the Best Brand Advocates

October 15, 2014 10:38 - 21 minutes - 10 MB

Did you know that 41% of people believe employees of an organization are more trusted than the CEO, founder or public relations department, according to  Edelman Trust Barometer? Your employees are the front door, back door and window to your brand. They know what is inside your brand and are the people who make the authentic delivery of your brand promise to your target audience, customers and social online and offline communities a truth or a myth. Your employees are already active on th...

067: Hello Ello or Goodbye Ello?

October 10, 2014 17:19 - 27 minutes - 12.7 MB

There is a new social kid on the social networking block. This kid goes by the name of Ello. Many are jumping on to the new social network and saying hello Ello by the thousands per hour. However, the real question is how long will they stick around? As I always say, what happens after the like is far more important than the initial like, or in this case "hello." Are the people jumping onto Ello doing anything more than saying hello? Ello touts itself as the anti-Facebook and plays against...

066: Social Business Mindset - 25 Tips to Healthy Mindset

October 09, 2014 12:55 - 22 minutes - 10.6 MB

Becoming a social business is a journey, not a destination. You can't just mark a day on the calendar and say "this is the day we will be a social business."    We must embrace the journey. We need to endure the bumps, valleys and remember we are in this journey for the long haul! We need to build a team of people who are ready for the journey and can see the vision ahead.    If you are having difficulty seeing real results from your investment in social media, it may be time for you to ...

065: Stop Listening to Social Media Gurus Build Your Own Plan

October 08, 2014 12:14 - 17 minutes - 7.88 MB

There definitely is no shortage of social media self proclaimed gurus and experts willing to tell you exactly what you should do to achieve results in business using social media.  You could spend every waking moment of your day reading blog posts, analyzing industry reports, peeling back the onion of the best practices from the social scientists.  They have advice on everything from how to tweet, how to get retweeted, what time of day to tweet, and when, how and why you should be on one s...

064: Social Employee Brand Advocacy Programs Power Up Your Brand

October 07, 2014 05:21 - 13 minutes - 6.31 MB

Your employees are conversation starters and the front door to your brand 24 hours a day, 365 days of a year. Their reach, impact and conversations with their friends, colleagues, communities and networks they influence don't stop when they punch out for their day job with your organization. According to Edelman's Trust Barometer, 41% of people think a company's employees rank higher in public trust than their PR department, CEO or Founder! 84% of people trust recommendations from friends ...

063: Real Social Media Community vs Self Serving Empire

October 01, 2014 15:10 - 24 minutes - 12.2 MB

Are you building a social media community built upon trust, meaningful relationships and value? Or are you building a self serving empire?  Many marketing and brand leaders struggle with success in building community. They spend hours a day posting updates, engaging with community members and measuring results or lack of there of.  However, when you do the "double click" to see how exactly they are building this so called "community," it's easy to see they are really all about themselves. T...

062: Increase Conversions with Trust & Relationships, Not Spam & Self Promotion

September 30, 2014 14:38 - 16 minutes - 7.66 MB

It's not rocket science or hot news that earning trust, establishing authority and nurturing relationships is the key to success in business and life. Do you wish you had more business conversions? Focus on earning trust as a top priority. Relationships are nurtured over time with a foundation of trust, caring, and open communication. Relationships are not formed via a spam auto Twitter direct message or a spam link blasted via Twitter to the top 50 influencers in your industry niche.  Many...

061: People Don't Buy Things, They Join Things!

September 29, 2014 13:24 - 29 minutes - 13.6 MB

Humans are creatures of habit. Since marketers are humans, this means it's easy for marketers to fall to old tactics and strategies to achieve their business and marketing goals. Times are changing. Smart marketers are quickly learning that it is no longer simply about eyeballs and impressions. To inspire audiences to connect with brands, marketers must connect in a human way. Even more important is that audiences and community members are invited to join something bigger than what they ca...

060: 10 Tips to Stop Selling and Provide More Value Using Social Media

September 25, 2014 13:23 - 23 minutes - 10.8 MB

There is not a day I don't wake up that my social media stream and email inboxes are not filled with spam and self promotional garbage from people I don't know trying to sell me their goods. Everything from Twitter direct messages, public spammy tweets, to LinkedIn spam messages and the list goes on. Whatever happened to first saying hello? Or how about building a relationship first? Or even better, how about earning my trust and inspiring me to check out your blog, website, mobile applicat...

059: 5 Reasons Marketers Fail Using Social Media

September 24, 2014 13:11 - 18 minutes - 8.54 MB

It is a myth to think you can jump on the social networks and see immediate results. Many marketers and business leaders fail simply because they underestimate the amount of work required. They get sold on the social media easy button and "Facebook is free" mentality. The truth is that the ability to achieve real business results using social media requires proper research, education, planning, an understanding of your audience and much more. You must know what your audience wants from you ...

058: The Only Way to Do Social Media

September 23, 2014 18:51 - 16 minutes - 7.46 MB

Are you one of those people who has spent the last 6 months or longer searching for the social media easy button? Do you wish there was a perfect cookie cutter solution you could buy or a social band-aid you could slap on your broken business that would make all of your social business problems go away? Do you wish there was a magic carpet ride to increase brand awareness, Facebook news feed mastery and Twitter viral master heroism?  The truth is that there is only one way to do social medi...

057: Stomp Status Quo & Zoom Past Competition

September 20, 2014 16:03 - 17 minutes - 8.26 MB

Are you an entrepreneur, small business owner or leader in a corporate organization and feel as if you are stuck in a rut? Ever feel as though the rest of the world is zooming past you? Or maybe that you have fallen victim to the status quo bug? You know your results could be better but you don't know how to get there.    If this is you, then this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast is exactly what you need.   In life and business we always want to be looking ahead to what we can b...

056: Your Tweets Are Not Your Own!

September 19, 2014 21:41 - 13 minutes - 6.18 MB

Everything you tweet, post, pin, say and do is a representation of your brand.   Does adding the disclaimer "my tweets are my own" to your Twitter profile really make them your own? Does it really separate your thoughts in 140 character increments from that of the brand you are associating yourself with?   Brand, marketing and business leaders must realize and learn that a simple statement of "my tweets are my own" does not mean that another human being reading them is going to necessari...

055: Can Brands be Human? 15 Characteristics of Human Brands

September 17, 2014 15:25 - 27 minutes - 12.8 MB

Can a brand really be human? In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder of Marketing Nutz, full service social media, social business, digital marketing, branding agency answers this question. Becoming a human brand is different for each organization. There is no perfect cookie cutter solution. However, there are  definitely some best practices that can help marketers and business leaders better humanize their brand and connect their audiences in a real and mea...

054: LinkedIn in a Nutshell - 10 Business Benefits of Using LinkedIn

September 16, 2014 19:25 - 28 minutes - 13.1 MB

If you think LinkedIn is only for looking for a job you are missing out on benefits that could be increasing brand awareness, generating leads and increasing sales.  Did you know that there are executives using LinkedIn from all 500 of the Fortune 500 organizations? Or that LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network online with more than 313 million members in over 200 countries and territories? Although they started with only 4,500 members in 2003, professionals are now signing ...

053: Want Social Media ROI? Quit Being Lazy!

September 15, 2014 22:03 - 20 minutes - 9.44 MB

There is not a day that goes by that I don't hear an ear full from a client, partner, colleague or friend of how much they dislike a particular social network, or how a social network is not delivering value for their business.  It's human nature to want to blame a "thing" on the lack of a result. It's easy to blame Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for the problems you have in your business. It's easy to blame the lack of success on the never ending changes to the Facebook algorithm, spammers ...

052: 5 Top Wordpress Plugins

September 12, 2014 19:30 - 16 minutes - 7.62 MB

If you know anything about using Wordpress for business, you know that having the right plugins is key to maximizing the platform and ensuring you are leveraging the technology to achieve business goals as well as deliver a pleasant and consistent user experience. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, full service social business, social media, branding and digital marketing agency shares 5 of her very favorite Wordpress plugins. An import...

051: 25 Content Marketing Ideas to Stomp Writers Block

September 11, 2014 04:36 - 36 minutes - 16.9 MB

Ever feel like banging your head against the Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn wall trying to think of ideas for your content marketing efforts? If yes,  you are not alone. Some of the brightest marketing and business leaders run out of ideas when it comes to inspiring and connecting with their audience. It's alright to feel stuck now and then. However, if you find yourself continually running short on ideas it's time you find some inspiration and quick! Even if creating content doesn't come e...

050: Content Marketing in a Nutshell

September 10, 2014 19:11 - 24 minutes - 11.4 MB

It is not news that content marketing is one of the hottest buzz words for online business today. Many self proclaimed social media, social business and internet marketing experts want to convince you that content marketing was invented via the era of social media and social networks. The truth is that content, relationships and connecting as human beings has existed for decades. Content is simply how we communicate, help, and share information with a goal to inspire, engage and activate ou...

049: 25 Tips to Integrate Social Media Into Events and Conference

September 09, 2014 12:50 - 38 minutes - 17.6 MB

It is no surprise that social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram is changing the landscape for events and conferences. The conversation is no longer limited to the stage, event break out sessions, paid for booth displays and show floors. Instead, there is a conversation happening 24/7 both inside and outside of the event. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, full service social media, social business, digital...

048: Are Realtors Ignoring the Modern, Social Media Savvy Connected Buyer?

September 08, 2014 15:39 - 33 minutes - 15.3 MB

Is the real estate and vacation rental industry keeping up with technology including social media and mobile marketing? Are they doing all they can to inspire, engage, and connect with the new modern customer? Or are realtors ignoring these mobile, always connected and social savvy customers? Many realtors, property managers and others working in the industry complain of not enough leads, their websites not performing to a level that delivers a positive return on investment and that they ar...

047: 5 Twitter Tools to Zoom Social Business Results

September 05, 2014 12:11 - 18 minutes - 8.45 MB

It is easy to get lost in the bits, bytes and 140 character conversations of social media. For many entrepreneurs, marketers and business leaders, deciding what tools to focus on to optimize social media efforts can be a daunting task. Twitter is a platform that many people have a difficult time learning. However, it's also one of the most powerful platforms for those who take the time to understand, embrace and utilize it for their benefit. Knowing what tools to spend time on versus ignor...

046: No You Can NOT Pick My Brain for Free, Sorry

September 04, 2014 16:00 - 30 minutes - 13.9 MB

Can I pick your brain please? How about a free lunch? Will you review my mobile application and tell all of your friends about it? We have all seen and heard these desperate marketing attempts at gaining free knowledge and help. Despite the fact that we spend days every week publishing advice free blog content, podcasts, hosting tweet chats and more, people still want more and don't want to pay for it. If you have worked a day in business you likely know that time is money. If you do not pu...

045: Twitter for the C-Suite - 15 Things Every CEO Must Do Before Hopping on Twitter

September 03, 2014 13:21 - 34 minutes - 16 MB

Congratulations! You have finally said “yes” to jumping into the social bird bath with that crazy blue bird, Twitter. It feels like a big commitment and you didn't make the decision lightly. You may have thought this day would never come. You thought that lil' blue bird would fly away to its happy place so you would never have to worry about talking in 140 character fragments of conversation.  However, that lil' blue bird is still kickin', swimmin' and rockin' the social ecosystem. Twitter...


Jason Keath
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Mark Schaefer
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@jasonkeath 1 Episode