Jamie Turner of 60SecondMarketer.com pulled up a barstool this week and we got drunk on mobile marketing. On this episode of the Social Media Pubcast, sponsored by JoBarnesOnline.com, we talked about the following topics:

Marketing schemes to get free beer (seriously!) 4 easy things you can do today to get involved in mobile Apps and WordPress themes to help you go mobile

Throughout this episode, a few links and tools were mentioned. Here they are:

WPTouch WordPress plugin Genesis Framework WordPress Theme Synthesis WordPress Hosting Contact Jon about Amazon Hosting Go Mobile book by Jamie

Make sure you follow Jamie's work on on 60SecondMarketer.com and 60SecondCommunications.com. Cheers!

P.S. FREE 93 Page eBook!: Go to JoBarnesOnline.com/fbebook to get your free 93-page eBook featuring Jon, Mari Smith, Amy Porterfield and others. Enjoy!