Well - the fans have spoken.

Yes, your ongoing silence and continued refusal to make any criticism whatsoever speaks volumes for the reverence and awe you all have for TE the Bubble V: Just in time to DIE! Here are just a few of the star-struck comments that we haven't received in response to Episode 2: Boo-boo the Floppy.

"I almost wet myself laughing"
- Max (2 of Grey Lynn)

"I didn't think they could make a worse episode than episode 1. I was wrong."
- Kerr (80+ of Northcote)

"We'll review anything if the money's good. But these cheapskates stiffed us on the free Pizza - no Anchovies! - so we'd say Episode 2 of Just in Time to DIE! is the worst episode 2 since "Joanie loves Cookie: The Catatonic Hebephrenic Years". Suck on that, Earthlings!"
- Bing and Anus (1.5243 X 102 Intergalactic Ubervision)

So, in the face of such devoted outpourings it is time to release you from your torment and permit you to download and listen to the latest installment from our previous

So, here it is folks - in all its ignominy - Episode 3: Warren and Jeremy