Well we could all die (Yes! Both of us) waiting for Dread to post episode 2.

So, as always, I - Cookie the Crumb - must step up to the plate and make good on other's commitments to the common good. If you listen and it doesn't make any sense then obviously you're a bit slow and need help or coaching or a swift kick to the head - I don't know. Anyway, perhaps something a little simpler might be more your line - maybe watching paint dry.

Alternatively, if you're not slow and just got fed up and bored waiting for Dreaddy then you could consider listening (or even re-listening) to Episode 1 - Arse end of the Universe. Heck, why not do it anyway ... maybe two or three times - just in case you miss something that will be important later. Perhaps you should play it to your children ... or your cat (or iguana if that's more your line). Anyway, the more the better I think is the general lesson here.

Episode 2 still won't make sense after all that but our hit-count goes up :)
Anyway, without further ado - Part Two of Te the Bubble: Just in Time to Die ... Here!

(This one's got Boo-boo the Floppy in it and that's usually good for a laugh)