Next Episode: The Moonstone

We hope you enjoy this preview of an episode from our back catalog available to our premium subscribers. Tonight, we read part of a poem by Walt Whitman titled, "Song of Myself", found in his 1855 collection, "Leaves of Grass". "Song of Myself" is considered one of the most influential poems in American history. Rather than being written in a structured, metered form, it is written in a rhythmic, chant-like quality through a series of vignettes. To unlock full episodes, ad-free listening, and more, please go to

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We hope you enjoy this preview of an episode from our back catalog available to our premium subscribers. Tonight, we read part of a poem by Walt Whitman titled, "Song of Myself", found in his 1855 collection, "Leaves of Grass". "Song of Myself" is considered one of the most influential poems in American history. Rather than being written in a structured, metered form, it is written in a rhythmic, chant-like quality through a series of vignettes. To unlock full episodes, ad-free listening, and more, please go to

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