School marketing and communications with Charlie Maughan and Rita Kilroy

Charlie and Rita once again bring you several interviews to SMC. The pair are first joined by imageseven’s Digital Marketing Team — Alissa Cass and Harrison Shearn — to discuss the current situation at Twitter HQ and whether school marketers need to be concerned. Next, SMC was delighted to welcome Barker College’s Social Media Coordinator, Hannah McGrory, to discuss the College’s TikTok account launch and subsequent rollout. Finally, in the Rants & Raves, they discuss their favourite (and not so favourite) Christmas 2022 ad campaigns.

PR Weekly – A break, not a break up: Why agencies are telling clients not to abandon Twitter… yet Barker College – TikTok The Drum – Christmas 2022 – all the ads John Lewis – The beginner Asda - Elf Aldi – Kevin the Carrot Lidl – Lidl Bear Disney – The Gift McDonald’s – The List Amazon – Joy is Made


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