In this episode, we finish discussing the results of our Colorado survey. We cover the topics of repealing and replacing Obamacare and how well the Democrat and Republican parties are connecting with Colorado voters. We also discuss voter opinion of a building a wall along the Mexican border, the Trump administration’s temporary travel ban from seven Muslim countries and withholding federal funding from cities that do not enforce our nation’s immigration laws.


Among likely 2018 voters, 63% think that the Republican Party is out of touch and 60% think that the Democratic Party is out of touch. Respondents are split on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), as 48% oppose the legislation and 47% support it. When asked how they want Congress to handle Obamacare, a clear majority of 60% wants to keep what works and fix what doesn’t. That number is far lower among Republicans, as 40% would prefer that that law is repealed and that Congress would start over with new healthcare legislation. When asked about specific policies that been enacted or discussed during President Trump’s first 100 days in office, small majorities oppose the travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries (52% oppose) and the proposal to withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities (53% oppose). 62% of respondents oppose building a wall along the U.S. border of Mexico that is estimated to cost billions of dollars.

Both Parties Viewed as Out of Touch

When asked whether the Republican Party is in touch with the concerns of most people in Colorado, 63% of respondents think that it is out of touch. The Democratic Party does not fare much better, as 60% of respondents think that it is out of touch. These results are roughly in line with what the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll found, which we discussed on our podcast last week.

A Split on Obamacare

Now over a month removed from the first failed attempt at repeal, respondents were asked whether they support or oppose the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. The results show a very divided 2018 electorate split along partisan lines, with 86% of Republicans opposing Obamacare and 86% of Democrats supporting it. Not only is there a partisan split, but voter intensity is also high on both sides, as 72% of Republicans strongly oppose Obamacare, and 60% of Democrats strongly support it. Clearly, whatever actions are taken by the Republican-led Congress regarding Obamacare will be important in determining the political environment for 2018.

Survey Questions Discussed in the Podcast

Do you think the Republican Party is in touch with the concerns of most people in Colorado, or is it out of touch?

Out of Touch 63%
In Touch 28%
Unsure or Refused 9%

Do you think the Democrat Party is in touch with the concerns of most people in Colorado, or is it out of touch?

Out of Touch 60%
In Touch 32%
Unsure or Refused 8%

Do you support or oppose the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare?

Total Support 47%
Total Oppose 48%

Strongly Support 29%
Somewhat Support 18%
Strongly Oppose 40%
Somewhat Oppose 8%

Unsure or Refused 5%

Which of the following options best describes what you want Congress to do regarding the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare?

Keep what works, fix what doesn’t 60%
Repeal Obamacare and start over 24%
Repeal Obamacare, do not replace 10%
Keep Obamacare as it is, make no changes 6%

Unsure or no opinion 0%
Refused 0%

Do you support or oppose Donald Trump’s executive order imposing a temporary travel ban on seven predominantly Muslim countries?

Total Support 45%
Total Oppose 52%

Strongly Support 33%
Somewhat Support 12%
Strongly Oppose 40%
Somewhat Oppose 12%

Unsure or Refused 3%

Do you support or oppose building a wall along the US border of Mexico that is estimated to cost billions of dollars?

Total Support 35%
Total Oppose 62%

Strongly Support 24%
Somewhat Support 11%
Strongly Oppose 51%
Somewhat Oppose 11%

Unsure or Refused 3%

Do you support or oppose a proposal that would withhold federal funding to cities that do not actively enforce our nation’s immigration laws?

Total Support 42%
Total Oppose 53%

Strongly Support 35%
Somewhat Support 7%
Strongly Oppose 40%
Somewhat Oppose 13%

Unsure or Refused 5%