Previous Episode: Episode 11: Decluttering

First, a quick announcement: we now have listeners in over 40 countries—wow! We are so grateful that you choose to listen to our podcast, and we really appreciate all the support!

This episode is a special one—we have our first guest! Tune in as we chat with Susie Jackson.

Susie is a freelance copy editor and Spanish-to-English translator specializing in academic texts for the social sciences. She also mentors freelancers to help them figure out how much they should be charging and who their ideal client is so that they can earn a decent living doing what they love.

What you'll hear in this episode:
- How Susie started her freelance career and how it evolved over the years
- How her typical workday looks and the smart habits that help her run her business smoothly and efficiently
- Why it’s important to track the data related to your work, marketing and admin tasks
- How to avoid overspending on business expenses
- Why it’s important to budget and how to review and adapt your budget regularly
- What the Profit First system is and how Susie implements it in her business
- Why Susie has several savings accounts and how she splits her income between them
- How the habit of blocking out time in your calendar can be helpful for work and personal commitments

For more details, resources, and some freebies, head to our show notes page at