In our previous episodes we talked about smart habits for organizing your to-do list and finding motivation to do the tasks that you need to get done. But sometimes the reason we don't feel productive, focused, or motivated is that there is simply too much mental or physical clutter around us.

So, today we wanted to talk about smart habits for decluttering: cleaning out, organizing, and simplifying what’s happening in our office, on our desk, and in our heads.

What you'll hear in this episode:
- Our thoughts on how physical and mental clutter affect us
- How we can avoid accumulating clutter in our profession and in our workspace
- Whether it’s possible to stick to your hobbies and interests while staying clutter-free
- What to do when your family members and loved ones don’t seem to share the same desire to organize or declutter your home
- How to decide what to keep and what to donate, give away, or recycle
- Whether it’s best to organize a little bit every day to stay on top of things or to do a complete clean-out when things get chaotic
- How to overcome mental clutter and set boundaries on what is worth your time and energy
- How to deal with all the electronic clutter that we accumulate in our emails, our computers, on our phones and other devices
- Some strategies you can use to declutter and organize your inbox and your electronic devices