We are shaking things up with a special episode by answering your questions this week! Thank you to everyone who sent us questions.

Before we jump in, we would like to share our support and solidarity with our colleagues who are experiencing a setback in their freelance businesses because of what’s going on right now with the COVID-19 pandemic. At the time of recording this, we know that many interpreters have lost work, and while some translators are seeing an uptick in documents related to information on the virus, there are still many who are not receiving work because their clients are hitting the “pause” button.

In addition, some of us are having to take care of kids or other family members while still trying to work.

We’re thinking of you, and we know how challenging it can be for your business and your mental health. We’re sending you our love and support.

And now… Here are the questions that we answered in this episode:
- How do you feel you've grown as translators over the years?⁠ ⁠
- What keeps you on track in the rough weeks? Which habits do you jettison and what stays no matter what?⁠
- What do your tracking systems look like?⁠ ⁠
- What are your tips for young translators?⁠ ⁠
- What are some clever ways to market remotely (besides the usual warm e-mails, etc.)? ⁠ ⁠
- What are your tips and tricks for dealing with worst-case scenarios? ⁠ ⁠
- Any tips on how to automate as much as possible? What and how to improve productivity?⁠ ⁠
- I’m a freelance interpreter getting ready to move to a new city. Any tips for how I can approach new colleagues and smoothly integrate myself into the market? ⁠ ⁠
- How did you decide to do a podcast together on the topic of habits? Do you have all the topics planned out in advance?⁠

For more details and resources, head to our show notes page at https://smarthabitsfortranslators.com/podcast-episodes/13