It has been a strange few weeks, hasn’t it? The global COVID-19 pandemic turned our whole world upside down. It's impossible not to be affected by it in some way.
That's why we decided to record this special episode. We are so grateful to our guest for meeting with us virtually and sharing some great advice on how to come out of this experience feeling stronger.

Sara Maria Hasbun is the founder of Meridian Linguistics, a language services agency providing translation, language data collection, language data analysis, and linguistic annotation services to technology companies. She also blogs about her adventures in "extreme language learning" at
Sara Maria currently lives in Beijing and has been practicing social isolation for more than two months as a result of COVID-19. We found her tips and encouragement very uplifting, and we hope that you'll feel the same way after listening to this episode.
Here is a summary of we discussed in this episode:
• What Sara Maria’s experience with social isolation has been like
• How her social life and mental health have been throughout this experience ⁠ ⁠
• What she did to stay busy
• How to overcome the feeling of uncertainty over what comes next
• How to deal with fear related to the health of your loved ones
• How to stay in touch with friends and family during this time
• How to deal with the disruption to your daily routine
• How to overcome anxiety and the inability to focus
• What to do if you’re worried for your financial future and the future of our profession
• Tips for those who are living and working in a foreign country—far from their family and home—during the COVID-19 pandemic
• Our smart habit hacks (as well as one from a listener!) during this time of social distancing and home confinement

For more details and resources, visit our show notes at