I am excited to introduce to you our guest this week award winning director, writer, choreographer, and the executive producer of TEDx Lincoln Square, Tricia Brouk.


Listen to the podcast HERE


Tricia is a “performance expert” where she helps others tell their stories whether that is from a stage or the big screen. She believes that speaking is something that we all can learn. She has a passion for fusing together principles from the entertainment industry and tactics from public speaking to help speakers become more engaging and confident.


In this episode, we discuss how she got started in speaking and her journey in becoming a TEDx organizer. We explore several powerful topics including how to overcome failure, how to effectively look to others for inspiration, and her five tips on how to get started in speaking.


Tricia’s mission is to “nurture the the potential speaker” in you. She believes that we all have a message to give. This episode will empower you to use your authentic voice and confidently share your message.


Questions I Asked Tricia:

How do you know what is too much to share or not enough? How do you overcome the fear of speaking? How do you “get a feel” for the audience so that you know who you are speaking to?

Topics Discussed:

How you can overcome your nervousness How to make a scripted speech sound conversational How to handle critics


Quotes from the show:

“When you have an important message to share with the world, you must find a way to share it” @TriciaBrouk “One person in the world can be potentially be changed if you share your story” @TriciaBrouk “I see them walk onto the stage as one person, and walk off as another” @TriciaBrouk “It’s not about you. It’s about the message.” @TriciaBrouk “Don’t stand back in fear but step out into your greatness” @LindaMitchell “It’s not just about what you are going to get it’s about what you want to give” @LindaMitchell “Be who you are not who you think everyone else wants you to be.” @TriciaBrouk


How you can stay in touch with Tricia:

Website LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Instagram


How you can stay in touch with Linda:

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