Welcome to to the Simply Straight Talk show, today Reggie is hosting a conversation on why some women prefer guys not to call them beautiful. For some people, this may come across as strange or insensitive to a person attempting to be polite. 

Well in this episode we are finding out that some women actually have an extremely valid case for not falling for the "your so beautiful line". Honestly, what does it mean to you when you approach a person you just met and you automatically tell them they are beautiful. 

Because the thing is: Men and women who find people of the other gender attractive may want to let them know that. And that’s fine. In fact, a lot of us love getting compliments.

in some cases, despite your best intentions, some women will probably be turned off by a stranger giving them a compliment. Additionally, women may feel like their bodies are being judged for a person's entertainment – and that’s not a good feeling.