Taylor Turkington is an author, Bible teacher, teacher of Bible teachers. She is is passionate about training women to interpret and teach the Bible informally or formally through her ministry Bible Equipping. She has a love for the word of God that is so life giving and it pours out onto the pages of her book Trembling Faith: How a Distressed Prophet Equips Us to Trust God in a Chaotic World. Its a book that unpacks the book of Habakkuk in the Bible and offers an invitation to investigate what it means to lament.


For those of us who have ever even considered lament, we sometimes get hung up on doing it “the right way.” Whether that be in regards to formality, worrying about the right kinds of prayers or various Biblical application tools to use, or what have you. Taylor would offer however, that “lament is informal and natural and its expressing our great need because of the people that we are. Its saying this world is not right, but God, you are right and good. And there is a discrepancy here, and I need You to do something.” We unpack the gift of what lament offers in deepening our relationship with God, and coming to God with our emotions is a healthy practice.

Taylor also shares the historical context of the prophet Habakkuk, the uniqueness of the book in the midst of the minor prophets, and Habakkuk’s raw sharing with God, and his belief in God’s goodness despite how messed up the world still is and how real his heartbreak continues to be. 


This episode I think is such a powerful gift as many of us are approaching the last lap of Lent and are following Jesus straight into a week ripe with lament, for the joy set before the Messiah, in the days leading up to the His death, burial and resurrection.

Connecting with Taylor:

Book Trembling Faith: How a Distressed Prophet Equips Us to Trust God in a Chaotic World






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-Bible Equipping

-The book of Habakkuk

-Learn It + Give It 

-Learn It +Give It Intensives


-There are spiritual gifts of teaching

-The book of Lamentations

-Sons of Josiah, staring with Jehoahaz… not good

-King Jehoiakim… REALLY not good, hello Babylonian invasion

-Concrete beaches of Croatia

-“Katrina Babies” Documentary (and a picture of the power of community in cultures of color)

-Dr. Jemar Tisby - (our episode, his podcast, his substack, his books The Color of Compromise, and How To Fight Racism he is such a powerful teacher)

**Quick note- the audiobook release has been delayed! But forthcoming :) 

-Resources for Trembling Faith


Scripture References:

Hebrews 4:12- The word of God speaks


Isaiah 7:14, 52:13-15, 53:1-12- Isaiah talks about Jesus

Jeremiah 29:11

Matthew 28:19-20-All believers are called to learn God’s word and share it with others 

Ephesians 4:25, 1 Thessalonians 5:11- Using the Word to encourage 

Acts 2- Church is a group of people who are called to minister to each other and to the world

1 Corinthians 12- You have a spiritual gift, go use it!

Job 42:1-3, Proverbs 20:5, Romans 8:28- You were made on purpose for a purpose 

Luke 10:27-Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul and strength 

Luke 1:39-56- Mary and Elizabeth proclaim the King 

John 4- The woman at the well goes and evangelizes Samaria

John 20:18- Mary Magdelene gets to go and tell the Disciples Jesus is risen 

Habakkuk 3- Habakkuk points to the choice we have in how to respond and what we choose to believe 


2 Kings 2-23- The revival under King Josiah

Psalm 102:1- Lord, please help

Ephesians 5:14, Isaiah 51:17, 52:1, 60:1, Malachi 4:2, Romans 13:11- Awake, oh sleeper 

Psalm 130:6- More than watchmen wait for the morning 

Habakkuk 1:2, Psalm 13;1-6, Psalm 27:14, Isaiah 40:31-  Examples of “God act, wait on the Lord, how long oh Lord”

Matthew 4:17, Luke 12:35-40, Luke 4:14-30,Isaiah 61, Matthew 5:43-48 -God has come in Christ and He is working now, be ready, love your enemies

Habakkuk 1:1-4-Why do you make me look at violence and do nothing

Job 38:4-42:6- God doesn’t explain everything to Job 

Habakkuk 2:4- the arrogant won’t live, but the righteous live by their faith

Habakkuk 1:3- My friends are surrounded! Help them!

Exodus 22:22-23, Psalm 82:3, Romans 13:8-10, Matthew 25:40- You are breaking the Law of God when not caring for others in scripture

Matthew 19:26, Romans 8:32-  We are sought after by a limitless God

Psalm 147:5-God is all knowing and all seeing.

Habakkuk 3:18-19-But they decide “I will rejoice in the Lord because He gives me strength”

Psalm 42:7- Deep calls unto deep

Psalm 10

Psalm 13

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